Wednesday, June 17, 2020

More playing with Bezio style maps

I've been quietly working on some things and removed myself from many of the social media platforms I used to haunt. I've been paying around with more Bezio style maps as 1) I like them and 2) they're easy as snot to make.

So here's a little sneak peek. In looking at the map and how I might be able to produce a map that is easily used in a VTT while keeping some things secret, I came up with the idea below. If you use vision blocking in roll20 he should be easily able to hide those pit traps and that secret door among the regular walls very easily.
I've also started annotating on the map which doors would be locked eye drawing a little key inside the door symbols, as above. I can see where some DMs would not want this on the map, but I think that's an easily enough thing to overlooked or hand wave in game.


  1. That's a neat idea. I have to remember more often that when drawing digitally it's just as easy to draw in white over the black fills.

    1. Thanks!I have not tried this yet in Roll20 but I think it would perfect with dynamic vision applied.

  2. 'Dynamic Vision'... Hahahaha. I just saw a customer watching Six Million Dollar Man yesterday. That's Dynamic Vision! (queue the sound effect old-timers)

    1. I loved that show as a kid, one of my favorites. I could never quite get THAT sound effect quite right though!
