Monday, May 29, 2023

Midjourney artwork


Yep, I got bit by the MJ bug too, and holy shit, this is amazing. Yes, there are still weird anomalies and strangeness, but look at these samples I was able to make on my very first day of messing around with it.

If you look closely, you can see MJ trying really hard to evoke Frazetta with the signature in the bottom. So neat!

Please ignore the images below, they used as reference for some MJ projects I am messing around with:


  1. I use mid journey constantly for my home games. It takes time and patience to get it right but the results speak for themselves when you finally nail that image you need it

  2. Damn, those are absolutely amazing! let alone for your first day. Great stuff.

    1. I know!!! Blew me away how easy it was to get fantastic pieces. If you look closely, there are always problems, an extra finger, a hand turned the wrong way, or even missing an entire leg. Mid journey won’t replace actual artists, at least not right now, but it sure is great for finding a correct tone to present the overall thematic feeling you were going for.

  3. These look awesome! You're an AI wizard...

    1. Lots of playing around with it, MidJourney is amazing. Still does not understand that hobbits/halflings DO NOT wear shoes!!!!! Gah!
