Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Space Patrol!

High adventure in the wild, vast reaches of space! Daring missions in the name of justice and protecting the innocent civilians of the United Planetary Federation from interplanetary villains with diabolical schemes!

I am playing around something more for Risus, a science fiction 'setting' and characters in the vein of an old tyme radio or tv show from the 1950s or so. When heroes were heroes, villains were always evil scum with larger than life ambitions, the hero always got the beautiful maiden, and a plucky little sidekick played the comedic foil to the always serious hero that saves the day. You know, the stuff that led to the original Star Wars films. Also, shit that would not fly in today's media. 

Who knows, maybe I will write something with this setting and characters. 


  1. Sounds like a blast! And I love this Risus kick you're on.

    1. Thanks! Playing around with these have really hit that creative itch pretty good, I have lots of ideas, especially with a 1950's era space pulp!

  2. Replies
    1. Ha! Will do my best, I already have at least five more posts figured out for the space pulp setting, and more are coming to mind as I make these, so you will be seeing more soon!

    2. Nice. I look forward to them. I really like space pulp. Grim/dark is all well and good and has it's time and place but a tall, cool glass of pulp is always great.

    3. Me as well, I have always been intrigued with space pulp stuff but there really seems to be very little out there. Aside from the old Space Patrol tv show (US version, 1950s, you can find some episodes on YouTube) there does not seem to be much available. Which is disappointing because many of the most famous SciFi authors of the 50s-70s got their start in the pulps and we probably owe a massive debt to these early writings.
