Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Timmy 'Two-Step" Tulaine [Risus]


Sometimes Dirk needs a little help, and that is where little Timmy comes in. He is a tenacious little fella, able to sneak into areas that would otherwise be impossible for Dirk to gather intel or evidence to bring a criminal to justice. While Jenny constantly worries about putting Timmy in danger, the fact is Timmy refuses to not be included and often sneaks into missions without Dirk's knowledge, and frankly the little guy is exceptionally skilled at what he does. 


  1. Matt, this is getting better and better! Beautiful! And your post about writing stuff for *yourself* woke me up. I, too, fell into that trap of writing rpg material with others in mind. That way lies madness! Thanks, man.

    1. I know it certainly changed the way I approach creative endeavors, I do not make for others, I make what I enjoy and feel like making in the moment. If others like it, great! If not, oh well.

      btw I have a White Box FMAG adventure in editing with a friend, once it is finished and released, I am going to tweak for Risus and release it, so, coming soon, a Risus adventure!

    2. To both your paragraphs a resounding YES :)
