Friday, October 4, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 05


Session five!

I have changed up the way I plan on presenting these to you, primarily because I realized posting a write up on the blog was simply eating up too much of my time and frankly I was just not enjoying the time spent on this. I would rather be playing with the limited time I have. Also, I have decided to focus on MY enjoyment as my reason for playing the game rather than the enjoyment of others. Perhaps this is selfish from a certain point of view but at the core I am playing for me and posting here as a 'service' to those 'solocurious' and interested in how I apply the use of RPGs not designed specifically for solo play.

As such, I will not be doing a write up for each session and merely providing the PDF of the session. Here I am collecting sessions 1-5 in a single PDF before I move on to session 6. 

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)
SoloDark (link)

PDF version of the session:

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