Thursday, October 17, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 08


Corven might be my favorite NPC I have created during all my soloing, I mean look at that dude! Classic, scruffy old war veteran with some PTSD issues he hasn't resolved. Heck, he's me.  ;-)

Anyway, here is session 8. I have decided to pause here and call this "Chapter 1". Too many times while doing a solo campaign I abruptly stop and never return leaving readers (and myself) hanging. I have a bit of ADD and my mind switches too quickly. I end up leaving an adventure before a solid stopping point. My goal here is to pause at a logical stopping point, and return some day to continue the adventure. 

I really enjoyed this adventure and got in a groove where I wanted to return, I figured out a play style that worked and was easy to hope in for 15 mins at work when things got slow, then jump right back in, so I feel this was completely successful and enjoyable. I want to jump back in and continue but I can feel my mind getting dragged in another direction and rather than continue, and just stop in a few more sessions, I want to pause, pivot and settle my mind so this is at least a satisfying end point.

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)

PDF version of the session:

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