Session 1: Aldric’s Arrival at the Keep
The journey had been long and arduous, but finally, Aldric stood at the edge of civilization: the Keep on the Borderlands. Nestled against the wilderness, its stone walls loomed over the surrounding landscape, a bulwark against the dangers lurking beyond. Merchants, mercenaries, and adventurers moved through its gates, some returning from expeditions into the wilds, others seeking fortune or escape.
As Aldric approaches the main gate, he is met by a pair of watchful guards, clad in chainmail with spears in hand. One steps forward, eyeing him carefully.
"Halt, traveler. State your name and business at the keep."
What does Aldric do? Does he respond directly, offer any credentials, or try to learn more about the situation at the keep before entering?
You said:
The guard sizes up Aldric with a scrutinizing look, then smirks. "Hah! Another one, eh? You’re not the first to come here looking for gold and glory, and you won’t be the last." He glances at his companion, who merely shrugs. "You’ll find both, if you’ve got the steel for it… or you’ll end up just another name lost to the wilds."
He steps aside, motioning for Aldric to enter. "Go on in. The Castellan runs this place. If you’re looking for work or a place to stay, the tavern is your best bet. The merchants in the market square might have gear you need, and if you're thinking of heading into danger, you might want to speak with the priest at the chapel first."
As Aldric steps through the gates, he finds himself inside a bustling courtyard. Stone buildings line the interior, with a mix of soldiers, traders, and adventurers moving about. The keep is well-organized, though there’s a sense of tension—talk of raiders, monsters, and missing travelers lingers in the air.
Options from here:
- Visit the tavern to gather rumors, find potential allies, or get a drink.
- Check the market square for supplies or weapons.
- Head to the chapel to speak with the priest for blessings or information.
- Seek out the Castellan to offer his services directly or inquire about any official work.
- Simply explore the keep and see what opportunities arise.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
The One-Eyed Cat Tavern
Aldric follows the sounds of laughter and tankards clanking to a sturdy wooden building near the heart of the keep. A weathered sign above the door, depicting a cat with a missing eye, marks the establishment as The One-Eyed Cat Tavern. As he pushes open the door, the scent of ale, roasted meat, and sweat fills his nostrils.
Inside, the common room is lively—a mix of soldiers, merchants, and adventurers occupy the tables. A bard strums a lute in the corner, singing of some long-forgotten battle. The tavern is dimly lit, save for the glow of a large hearth where a hulking man roasts a haunch of meat on a spit.
The barkeep, a grizzled, one-eyed man—likely the tavern's namesake—eyes Aldric as he approaches the counter. "New face," he grunts. "What'll it be?"
Tavern Options:
- Order a drink and meal (Costs a few coins, but might lead to a good conversation with the barkeep.)
- Listen in on the crowd to pick up on rumors and potential jobs.
- Strike up a conversation with a specific group (Soldiers, adventurers, or merchants).
- Challenge someone to a game of dice or cards for some gambling.
- Observe quietly to take in the atmosphere before deciding on the next move.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
The one-eyed barkeep snatches up the coins with a practiced hand and gives Aldric a scrutinizing look. "Aye, you’ve come to the right place, then. Plenty of folk pass through here lookin’ for steel—some need it to guard their backs, others to put a knife in ‘em." He pours a frothy mug of ale and slides it across the bar, followed by a wooden platter of roasted meat, bread, and a wedge of cheese.
As Aldric digs into his meal, the barkeep leans in, lowering his voice slightly. "Few groups been lookin' for an extra sword-arm." He nods toward different parts of the room.
Leads on Work:
The Soldier’s Table – A few off-duty garrison soldiers sit at a table, nursing their drinks. They look like veterans, with scars and battle-worn gear. "Word is the Castellan’s got patrols short-handed. Gnolls been harassin’ traders on the road east. Dangerous work, but pay’s steady."
The Adventurers in the Corner – A trio of rough-looking adventurers sit in hushed conversation, throwing occasional glances around the room. "That lot’s got a map of somethin’ out in the wilds—old ruins or a buried treasure, maybe. They’re lookin’ to fill out their numbers, but they don’t trust just anyone."
The Hooded Stranger – In the far corner, a solitary figure cloaked in dark fabric sits nursing a drink. "That one came in this morning, askin' after the caves north of the keep. Didn’t give a name, but I know trouble when I see it. If you’re the sort who likes their work… quiet, might be worth seein' what they want."
The barkeep straightens and smirks. "Or you could just drink and enjoy your meal. No shame in that neither."
- Approach the garrison soldiers to inquire about patrolling the roads against gnolls.
- Join the adventurers' table to see if they’ll let Aldric in on their rumored treasure hunt.
- Sit with the hooded stranger and learn about the caves north of the keep.
- Take some time to enjoy the food and drink, listening in on general tavern gossip first.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Aldric pauses just short of the table, taking a slow sip of his ale as he sizes up the hooded figure. The stranger is lean, dressed in a dark travel cloak with the hood drawn just enough to shadow their features. Beneath the cloak, Aldric catches glimpses of worn leather armor, and a dagger sits within easy reach at their hip—positioned for a quick draw. A faint scent of damp earth and oil lingers around them, suggesting recent travel, perhaps even time spent in the wilds.
The stranger’s hands are gloved, fingers lightly curled around their mug. No markings or insignia stand out, but their posture is tense yet controlled, the way a person sits when they don’t want to be caught off guard. This isn't just some wandering merchant or beggar—whoever they are, they are used to danger.
As Aldric approaches, the hooded figure tilts their head slightly, indicating they’ve noticed him. Their voice is quiet but firm when they finally speak.
"You have business with me, or are you just the friendly sort?"
The tension in the air suggests that if Aldric wants a conversation, he'll need to prove himself worth their time.
- Introduce himself openly, stating his skills and intent to find work.
- Be direct, asking about the caves and why they’re interested.
- Take a cautious approach, probing for information without revealing much.
- Use charm or humor to disarm the stranger and see if they’ll open up.
- Try to read them further, seeing if their accent, mannerisms, or gear offer more clues before speaking.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
The hooded figure is silent for a moment, then gestures subtly toward the chair. "Sit, then. Let’s talk."
Aldric settles in, setting his mug down as the stranger leans forward slightly. Now that he’s closer, he can make out a faint scar along the edge of their jaw, the glint of sharp, watchful eyes beneath the hood. Their voice remains low and measured.
"The caves are real. Dangerous. And profitable." They take a slow sip of their drink before continuing. "Ruins, tunnels, things that don’t belong. You don’t strike me as a fool, so I won’t bother with pleasantries: If you want to make coin, you need to be ready to spill blood. The things in those caves won’t let you walk in and take their treasures."
They set their mug down with a soft thud. "I need another sword at my side. A partner, not dead weight. If you can fight, watch your back, and don’t flinch when things turn ugly, then maybe we have a deal."
The stranger finally lifts their hood just enough for Aldric to see their face—a woman, likely in her early thirties, with dark hair, piercing eyes, and a hardened expression.
"Name’s Lirien. If we do this, we split anything we find fifty-fifty. Supplies are on you. We leave at dawn."
She watches him carefully now, waiting to see if he’ll accept.
- Agree to the deal and commit to exploring the caves at dawn.
- Negotiate the terms, trying for a better share or additional conditions.
- Ask for more information about the caves before agreeing.
- Politely decline and consider another job instead.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Lirien studies Aldric for a moment, then clasps his hand briefly, her grip firm but not overly aggressive. "Good," she says simply, releasing the handshake. "Meet me at the north gate at dawn. Be armed and ready."
She finishes the last of her drink and rises from the table in one smooth motion, pulling her hood back up. "If you need supplies, get them tonight. The wilds don’t favor the unprepared." With that, she turns and slips out of the tavern, moving with the quiet grace of someone accustomed to traveling unseen.
Aldric is left with the warm glow of his drink, a full stomach, and a plan for the morning. The Caves of Chaos—if rumors hold true—are filled with untold dangers and untold riches. A fresh adventure awaits.
Next Steps Before Dawn:
- Visit the market square for any last-minute supplies.
- Head to the chapel to seek a blessing or divine favor.
- Gather rumors in the tavern to learn more about the caves.
- Find a place to sleep and rest up for the journey.
What does Aldric do next?
You said:
The one-eyed barkeep raises an eyebrow as Aldric returns. Without a word, he refills the mug, sliding it across the counter. "Ain’t the first fool to ask me that today," he mutters, leaning in slightly as he wipes down the bar. "Nor will you be the last."
He sets the rag down and drums his fingers on the wood. "The Caves of Chaos—that’s what folks call ‘em. No one really knows who built ‘em or why, but they’re old. Twisting tunnels, hidden chambers, gods know what else. One thing’s for certain—they’re crawling with things that’d rather gut you than let you walk away with their gold."
He eyes Aldric for a moment before continuing. "Goblins, bugbears, maybe worse. Some folk swear they’ve seen signs of dark magic out there. Heard stories of sacrifices, strange lights in the night. Soldiers don’t go near ‘em. Smart folk don’t either."
He leans on the counter. "But I figure you’re not here to be smart, are you?" He smirks, shaking his head. "If you’re set on goin’, just watch yourself. Lots of young blades set out for those caves. Not many come back."
He steps away for a moment, then adds, "One more thing—some groups run the place like a damned warren. If you go in there and make too much noise, expect company. A lot of it."
He turns his attention back to wiping a mug clean. "So tell me, Aldric—you still thirsty for adventure? Or maybe you’ll take your coin and find easier work?"
- Commit to the expedition—Aldric isn’t deterred by the dangers.
- Press the barkeep for more details, particularly about “dark magic” or specific threats.
- Ask about any groups that have returned—what do successful adventurers do differently?
- Reconsider the job and explore other options in the keep.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
The barkeep chuckles, catching the extra coin with a nod. "I’ll be sure to save you a seat, Aldric—just make sure you live long enough to fill it with a story worth tellin’."
With that, Aldric steps out into the cool evening air, the warmth of the tavern giving way to the crisp night breeze. The keep is still active, with soldiers on patrol, merchants packing up their stalls, and a few stragglers making their way toward their quarters.
He hails the first passerby, a lean man in a tattered cloak, who gives him a wary glance before replying, "Calla Veyne? Aye, she runs the trading post, just down that way." He gestures toward a squat stone building with wooden shutters and a sturdy iron-reinforced door, nestled between the smithy and a general provisions stall. A faint glow flickers from inside—still open for business.
Calla Veyne’s Trading Post
The trading post is modest but well-stocked. Shelves line the walls, filled with travel rations, rope, torches, weapons, and armor. A heavy wooden counter separates the shop from the back room, where crates and barrels of goods are stacked.
Behind the counter, Calla Veyne herself stands—a sharp-eyed woman in her forties, with short dark hair streaked with silver. She wears a leather apron over a simple tunic and has the air of someone who has seen it all. As Aldric enters, she sizes him up instantly, noting his gear and the wear of the road.
"New face. And by the look of you, either a mercenary or a fool about to make trouble for himself." She folds her arms, leaning on the counter. "Let me guess—you’re heading for the caves?"
She doesn’t wait for confirmation, just smirks and gestures to the shelves. "If you want to last more than a day out there, best make sure you’ve got the right supplies. Gold spends easier when you’re alive."
Calla Veyne’s Wares:
(She has basic adventuring gear, but limited stock of higher-quality weapons and armor.)
- Rations (1 day) – 5 sp
- Torches (5-pack) – 1 sp
- Flint & Steel – 2 sp
- Rope (50ft, hempen) – 2 gp
- Healing Salve (Stops minor bleeding, 1 use) – 10 gp
- Dagger – 2 gp
- Shortbow & 20 Arrows – 25 gp
- Handaxe – 5 gp
- Shield – 10 gp
- Leather Armor – 10 gp
- Chainmail (Limited stock) – 75 gp
She raises an eyebrow. "So, what'll it be?"
- Purchase supplies (Let me know what Aldric wants to buy).
- Inquire about the caves, see if Calla knows anything useful.
- Ask about past adventurers, particularly what mistakes they’ve made.
- Try to haggle for better prices.
- Simply thank her and move on, saving his coin.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Calla Veyne’s smirk fades slightly at the mention of Dain Harlow. Her sharp gaze lingers on Aldric for a moment, measuring his intent. She leans forward on the counter, crossing her arms.
"Dain Harlow. Now there's a name I haven't heard in some time." Her tone is neutral, but there’s a flicker of something behind her eyes—caution, maybe even regret.
She exhales sharply, glancing toward the back room before returning her focus to Aldric. "He was a damn good sellsword. Used to run with a small band that came through here years ago, talking about making their fortune in those damned caves. Never saw him again after that. Only a couple from his crew ever made it back, and they weren’t the same."
She taps a finger on the wooden counter. "If you knew Dain, then you ought to know—he was careful, experienced. And still, he didn’t return. That should tell you something."
There’s a beat of silence, then Calla shifts back into business mode. "You still want to go? Then at least make sure you’re prepared. What do you need?"
Possible Follow-Ups:
- Press for more details on Dain’s last expedition. What did his survivors say?
- Ask about the returning adventurers—who made it back, and what did they say?
- Proceed with shopping, taking the warning but pressing forward.
- Reconsider the job, given Dain’s fate.
- Mention Lirien, see if Calla knows anything about his new companion.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Calla Veyne watches Aldric for a moment, then gives a small, knowing nod. "Aye, you're the type, alright. Just like Dain." She turns, grabbing the requested items from the shelves behind her.
She sets them on the counter:
- Rations (3 days' worth) – 15 silver pieces
- Torches (5-pack) – 1 silver piece
- Flask of Oil (1 pint, for lanterns or fire use) – 10 silver pieces
She taps the oil flask. "This’ll burn hot if you need it. Just be mindful where you set it alight—I’ve seen more than a few would-be heroes get themselves burned worse than their enemies."
She leans on the counter, arms crossed. "Since you name-dropped Dain, I’ll give you a bit of advice for free." Her tone is lower now, more serious.
"The caves ain’t just monsters. There’s… order to them. Like a damned den of warbands, each staking out their claim. You pick a fight in the wrong spot, and you might end up with more enemies than you can handle."
She tilts her head slightly. "And if you start seeing strange carvings? Symbols? Leave ‘em be. Some say there’s something older in those caves, something even the monsters don’t cross."
Her expression darkens slightly, but she pushes it aside. "That’ll be 26 silver in total. Anything else?"
Aldric's Choices:
- Pay for the gear and move on (Mark off 26 silver pieces).
- Ask for more details about these "strange carvings" she mentioned.
- Press her on the idea of warbands—does she know which groups claim territory?
- Try to haggle the price down.
- Ask if she sells any maps or guides related to the caves.
- Mention Lirien, see if Calla knows anything about her.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Calla raises an eyebrow at the request but nods, turning to retrieve a sturdy shortbow from the rack behind her. She pulls the string back, testing the tension before placing it on the counter, followed by a quiver of 20 arrows.
"Good choice. Steel’s fine when the fight’s close, but a bow lets you choose your battles." She gives Aldric a knowing look. "Just don’t waste your shots—arrows ain’t free."
She recalculates the total:
- Rations (3 days' worth) – 15 silver pieces
- Torches (5-pack) – 1 silver piece
- Flask of Oil (1 pint) – 10 silver pieces
- Shortbow & 20 arrows – 25 gold pieces
She drums her fingers on the counter. "That brings your total to 25 gold and 26 silver. Still interested?"
Aldric’s Options:
- Pay in full (25 gold, 26 silver deducted).
- Attempt to haggle for a better price.
- Ask about trade/barter options, if he has anything of value.
- Reconsider and adjust his purchases.
- Ask about potential bow upgrades or additional gear.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Calla sweeps the coins into a lockbox with practiced ease, then leans on the counter as Aldric gathers his supplies. At the mention of Lirien, her expression tightens slightly—not suspicion, but recognition.
"Lirien. Aye, I know her." She pauses, as if considering her words. "She ain't exactly new, but she keeps to herself. Doesn't stay long when she passes through—always out in the wilds, moving between the caves and gods-know-where."
She crosses her arms. "She’s got skill, no doubt. Quick with a blade, sharp mind. But she’s not the trusting sort. She’s been out there before—more than once. That should tell you something."
Calla’s gaze sharpens. "I won’t tell you what to do, but be careful. I’ve seen partnerships end ugly over less than a sack of gold."
She exhales through her nose, pushing away whatever thoughts she has on the matter. "That said, if she’s bringing you along, you might be in for something more than just picking off goblins. Just watch your back, Aldric. And watch hers, if it comes to that."
She straightens, her businesslike demeanor returning. "Anything else before you head out?"
Aldric’s Options:
- Press for more details—Has Lirien worked with others before? Did any of them return?
- Ask about Lirien’s past expeditions—Has she ever brought back anything valuable?
- Thank Calla and move on, heading to rest before the journey.
- Check if Calla has any specialty supplies (like antidotes, climbing gear, or other adventuring tools).
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Calla smirks at the mention of the inn. "Aye, that I do. Rooms are upstairs, nothing fancy—just a cot, a roof, and a lock on the door. Costs 5 silver a night, breakfast included. If you're looking for a softer bed and a proper feather pillow, the Castellan's got guest lodgings, but that’ll run you a few gold."
She taps the counter. "You want a room for the night?"
Aldric’s Options:
- Pay 5 silver for a simple room at Calla’s inn.
- Inquire about the Castellan’s guest lodgings (if he’s interested in a more expensive stay).
- Find another place to sleep (such as roughing it outside the keep or sleeping in the tavern).
- Ask about any last-minute supplies or services before heading up.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Session 1 Summary: Aldric’s Arrival at the Keep
✅ Arrived at the Keep on the Borderlands.
✅ Gathered information about the Caves of Chaos.
✅ Met Lirien, a seasoned adventurer, and agreed to join her expedition.
✅ Spoke with Calla Veyne, learning of Dain Harlow’s past and warnings about the caves.
✅ Purchased supplies, including a shortbow, torches, oil, and rations.
✅ Secured a room for the night at Calla’s inn.
Aldric's Inventory Updates:
- Shortbow & 20 Arrows
- Rations (3 Days' Worth)
- Torches (5-Pack)
- Flask of Oil (1 Pint)
Coin Spent: 25 gold, 31 silver.
Coin Remaining: (Update next session if tracking funds).
Session Ends.
Aldric rests for the night, the warmth of the inn fading into the cool shadows of the unknown. Tomorrow, the caves await.
Looking forward to Session 2! 🎲🔥
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