What follows is a second AI-ran game I started on a whim. I LOVE the Rev War era in America and feel it is severely underutilized in fiction, games, media in general. So I wondered, could we take these same rules and create a fun and engaging setting to play a game? Below is the actual chat between myself and ChatGPT that I played here and there while at work yesterday, when I had a moment on break, waiting for a meeting to start, over lunch, etc.
Two interesting notes: The AI appeared to make a mistake when generating the character, utilizing too many points when creating the character's stats. I noticed too late, and then did not care to go back. Maybe he is an actual veteran with skills and should not be a starting character? Second, at one point I realized there had been very little dice rolling and I brought this up to the AI, that it needed to use the dice to resolve things in the game....and it suddenly remembered how to roll dice again and applied that restriction often.
Game Premise
Set during the late 18th century in the midst of the American Revolution, players take on the roles of soldiers, spies, scouts, traders, or frontiersmen navigating a war-torn landscape filled with battles, political intrigue, and eerie supernatural encounters. While the British and Continental armies clash for control of the colonies, ancient curses, occult rituals, and strange phenomena threaten to reshape the war in ways history never recorded.
You said:
Create a character for this game. The character should be male in his mid-to-late 30s and a colonist who was once fiercely loyal to the Crown but some tragedy made him switch sides. He has an ‘official’ occupation that allows him free movement throughout the colonies and had wartime experience during the French and Indian War.
ChatGPT said:
Character Profile: Elias Dunmore
Age: 37
Background: Former Loyalist turned Patriot Spy
Occupation: Surveyor & Cartographer (Allows free movement)
Previous Experience: Veteran of the French and Indian War
Elias Dunmore was once a fiercely loyal British subject, born into a respectable Virginia family with ties to the colonial government. As a young man, he served in the French and Indian War as a scout and skirmisher, learning the ways of wilderness combat and frontier survival. His service earned him both respect and a land grant in the Ohio Valley—land he dreamed of settling with his wife and young son.
However, his world shattered in 1774 when British officials revoked his land claim, granting it instead to a politically connected Loyalist. His petition for justice was ignored, and worse—when he confronted the new owner, British dragoons arrested him for "sedition." His wife and child died of illness while he was imprisoned. When he was finally released months later, he had nothing left. The Crown he had once bled for had abandoned him.
Bitter and enraged, Elias quietly shifted his allegiance. Now, he operates as a surveyor and cartographer, an occupation that allows him to travel freely throughout the colonies, even behind enemy lines. While outwardly neutral, he secretly ferries intelligence to the Patriots, mapping British supply lines, fortifications, and troop movements. His skill at navigation, wilderness survival, and deception makes him invaluable to the revolution.
But deep down, Elias is not driven by ideology—he fights because he has nothing left to lose. The war is his only purpose now, and vengeance against those who wronged him burns hot in his heart.
Stats (4 Points Distributed) Make note here that ChatGPT made a mistake and added too many points
Might (MIG): +1 (Strong from years of frontier survival)
Endurance (END): +2 (Weathered by war and hardship)
Agility (AGI): +1 (A scout must move quickly and quietly)
Wits (WIT): +2 (Sharp, observant, and strategic)
Presence (PRE): 0 (Grim and cold, but commands respect)
Health: 6 + END = 8 HP
Skills & Abilities
Wilderness Tracker: Advantage (d6/a) on navigation, foraging, and stealth in the wilderness.
Sharpshooter: +1 to hit when using a rifle.
Deception: Can pose as a Loyalist official to avoid scrutiny.
Warrior’s Instinct: If ambushed, can immediately act before the enemy.
Long Rifle (d6/a, slow reload, but deadly at range)
Hunting Knife (d6/d, concealable, used for survival & combat)
Leather Coat (+1 DR, no penalty)
Surveyor’s Tools (Advantage on navigation, forgery of maps, etc.)
Spyglass (Advantage on spotting distant targets)
Personal Relic (A lock of his late wife’s hair, carried in a small locket)
Motive & Role in the Campaign
Elias is a haunted man a skilled scout and marksman who operates in the shadows of war. His official role as a surveyor allows him to move freely, but his true purpose is sabotage, intelligence gathering, and quiet assassinations. His greatest enemy is the British officer who stole his land—if Elias ever finds him, he may abandon all sense of duty to settle the score.
Would you like me to generate a mission that introduces Elias into the campaign?
You said:
Yes, let’s create an establishing scene and current mission he is on at this time.
ChatGPT said:
Establishing Scene: A Shadow on the Road
The road to Albany is silent at this hour, save for the rhythmic clop of Elias Dunmore’s horse and the occasional crackle of dry leaves beneath its hooves. The October wind bites through his leather coat, but he barely feels it. His mind is elsewhere—always calculating, always listening.
Ahead, a lantern swings on a post outside a wayside tavern, its dim glow barely cutting the darkness. Elias slows his mount, scanning the building. He’s supposed to meet a contact here—"Mr. Ashford"—a name that is certainly false, but the information promised is worth the risk. A British supply convoy is due to pass near Saratoga in two days, carrying munitions desperately needed by the Crown’s forces in New York City. Elias has been tasked with mapping their route—and, if the right opportunity presents itself, ensuring those supplies never arrive.
As he ties his horse, his fingers brush against the weight of the long rifle slung over his shoulder. He never enters a meeting unarmed. In a war of shadows and lies, a man must be ready for anything.
Current Mission: "A Map of War"
Primary Objective:
Elias must meet his contact, "Mr. Ashford," to obtain details on the British supply convoy passing through the Hudson Valley.
He must then map the convoy’s expected route, noting bridges, river crossings, and ambush points.
Complications & Threats:
The Contact May Be a Trap:
Elias does not know "Mr. Ashford" personally—this could be a British counter-intelligence operation meant to lure out spies.
If Ashford is an actual Patriot, he may have already been captured.
Rival Interests:
A group of mercenary smugglers also seeks the convoy, but they don’t care about the Revolution—only profit. They might sell Elias out to either side if it benefits them.
A Loyalist officer named Captain Reginald Barrington is overseeing security for the convoy. He was once Elias’s commanding officer during the French and Indian War, and he has a personal grudge against him. If Elias is caught, Barrington will ensure he never leaves British custody alive.
Supernatural Element: "The Swine-Light" (From Times That Fry Men’s Souls)
Local travelers whisper about an eerie, floating light seen along the river route where the convoy is expected to pass.
Some claim it is just swamp gas, others swear it burned a man alive last week. If Elias encounters it, he may have to contend with more than just Redcoats.
Mission Outcome Possibilities:
Success: Elias gathers the information and passes it to Patriot forces, allowing them to strike the convoy and claim much-needed supplies.
Partial Success: Elias gets the information, but the British realize there’s a spy and tighten security, making the ambush harder.
Failure: Elias is compromised—either captured, wounded, or forced to flee.
Opening the Scene for Play
The game could start as Elias enters the tavern. Is Mr. Ashford already there? Or is something wrong—a silent room, eyes watching from the shadows, a bloody handprint on the table where Ashford was supposed to sit?
Would you like to flesh out any NPCs further, or define how supernatural elements like the Swine-Light might intersect with the mission?
You said:
Elias stops before he opens the door and listens for any of the usual sounds one would hear outside of the tavern. Does he hear anything inside?
ChatGPT said:
Elias stills his breath, placing a gloved hand lightly against the worn wood of the tavern door. He closes his eyes and listens—not just for what is there, but for what isn’t.
The usual sounds of an evening tavern should be present—the clink of tankards, the murmur of conversation, the occasional burst of laughter or an argument over debts. But tonight, something is wrong.
What He Hears:
Muted voices, hushed and deliberate. Not the usual free-flowing chatter, but controlled words, careful tones, as if those inside know they must not be overheard.
The scrape of a chair against the floorboards. Someone shifting position, perhaps to get a better look at the door.
No music, no laughter. The tavern’s fiddle player—common in these roadside stops—is silent. Either he’s missing or has been ordered quiet.
What He Doesn’t Hear (Which is More Concerning):
No sign of his contact. Elias was supposed to hear a coded greeting—something benign like "Cold night for travel, eh?" If "Mr. Ashford" is inside, he isn’t making himself known.
No clatter from the kitchen. At this hour, someone should be tending a pot, cleaning mugs, or preparing food for travelers. The silence suggests the staff is either too afraid to move or missing entirely.
Options for Elias
He could:
Ease the door open just a crack—just enough to peek inside without drawing attention.
Check the windows—the glow of the lanterns might cast silhouettes of the room’s occupants.
Step away from the door and circle the building, looking for an alternate entrance, signs of struggle, or a corpse in the back alley.
Enter boldly, as if nothing were amiss, and hope to catch whoever’s inside off guard.
Does Elias act cautiously, or does he take the risk?
You said:
3 Elias will creep as quietly as he can around to the side and then back of the building. As he heads around the corner, he will grab the reins of his horse and guide it around the tavern with him.
ChatGPT said:
Elias grips the reins of his horse and tugs it lightly, guiding the beast along as he moves slowly, silently into the shadows of the tavern’s exterior. The dirt beneath his boots muffles his steps, and the autumn wind covers any faint noise he makes.
He keeps one hand near his rifle, the other holding the horse’s lead, its breath warm in the cold night air. The beast, trained to remain calm in tense situations, follows without complaint.
Around the Side of the Tavern
As Elias rounds the corner, he flattens himself against the rough wooden boards of the building, scanning his surroundings.
The lantern from the front still flickers, its glow stretching just far enough to cast a dim halo over the packed-dirt road.
A single window to his left is cracked open, just enough to let out stale ale-scented air.
Voices carry through the window, but still hushed. He can’t make out words yet, but there’s at least three people inside.
No movement at the side door. Either the tavern’s rear entrance is unguarded, or whoever is inside isn’t expecting company from behind.
The Back of the Tavern
Guiding his horse with careful, deliberate steps, Elias moves into the darkness behind the tavern. The smell of stale beer and damp earth mixes with something… off. A faint, metallic tang lingers in the air.
Then he sees it.
A dark shape slumped against the base of a water barrel.
A man—limp, motionless, a spreading stain soaking into the mud.
One boot missing, as if someone had checked the body before leaving it.
Elias tethers his horse to a nearby post, staying low and quiet. He scans the area—no sign of movement, no immediate threats. The corpse’s coat and tricorn hat suggest a traveler or messenger rather than a local drunk. A closer look might confirm if it's Mr. Ashford.
Next Moves for Elias
Inspect the body—see if it’s his contact, check for identifying documents, hidden messages, or signs of a struggle.
Check the back door—if someone left through this exit, there might be footprints, blood, or another sign of activity.
Peer through another window—see who’s inside before deciding to engage.
Slip back into the shadows and observe the area for a little longer—there might be more than one party at play.
Does Elias go for the body, or does he check the building first?
You said:
What is around the tavern? More buildings? Forest?
ChatGPT said:
The Tavern’s Surroundings
The tavern is isolated—a lone outpost at a crossroads between Albany and smaller Patriot-held settlements further north. It sits on a slight rise, overlooking a bend in the road where a few well-traveled paths diverge.
Immediate Vicinity
To the Front: The main dirt road continues northeast toward Albany, flanked by scattered trees and patches of scrub grass. A small hitching post and watering trough stand near the entrance, where two other horses are tied—likely belonging to those inside.
To the Sides: A few wagon ruts and footpaths lead away from the tavern, used by travelers and traders stopping for the night. Beyond these, the terrain slopes downward toward wooded lowlands.
Behind the Tavern:
A narrow clearing, where barrels and crates are stacked near the rear entrance. Likely storage for ale and grain.
A treeline begins just 30 yards away, dense enough for cover but not deep wilderness. A footpath disappears into the woods—possibly leading to a stream or an unmarked escape route.
The corpse lies near a half-filled water barrel, slumped against its base. A small pile of discarded apple cores and empty bottles suggests this was where the tavern staff dump refuse.
Notable Features Nearby
A small, abandoned stable (20 yards away, partially collapsed). The doors hang open, and it smells of rot and damp hay. A good place to hide—or be ambushed.
The forest beyond the clearing is dense but passable, filled with bare branches rattling in the wind. A game trail cuts through it, leading west toward an old Patriot safe house (which Elias has used before).
Potential Concerns for Elias
The horses at the front post mean that whoever is inside didn’t arrive on foot. At least two individuals—maybe more.
The clearing is too quiet. No signs of a struggle, but the corpse means violence did happen here. Whoever did it was clean and quick.
The stable could be occupied. If this was an ambush, the attackers might still be watching.
Options for Elias
Investigate the Body (Carefully) – Check for clues, confirm if it’s his contact, and determine cause of death.
Check the Back Door – Look for tracks, listen for movement, or see if it was used as an exit.
Examine the Stable – If someone is hiding there, better to know now.
Move into the Woods – Use the terrain for cover and watch the tavern from a distance.
Create a Distraction – Knock over a barrel, send his horse off, or throw something to draw attention away from himself.
Does Elias stay close, or is the situation looking too dangerous to linger?
You said:
Elias will quickly move himself and his horse to the forest, then tie his horse about 3-5 yards deep into the forest. Enough that it should be well hidden. Then he will quietly sneak back to the edge and find a good hidden location to keep an eye on the tavern.
ChatGPT said:
Into the Woods
Elias moves swiftly but carefully, guiding his horse toward the cover of the trees. The wind shifts, rustling the branches overhead, masking the sound of his boots against the damp earth. He finds a suitable spot—far enough to conceal his horse but close enough to retrieve it quickly if things go south.
Tying the reins to a sturdy elm, he runs a calming hand over the animal’s neck before whispering a firm, “Stay.” His horse, well-trained in moments like these, shifts its weight but remains still.
With his rifle slung over his shoulder, Elias moves back toward the tree line overlooking the tavern. He lowers himself to a crouch, using the brush for cover. From this vantage point, he can now watch the back of the building without exposing himself.
What Elias Sees from Cover
From his hidden position, Elias observes the tavern’s back area more carefully. The lantern glow from the windows flickers against the clearing, casting long shadows. He focuses on the details:
The Body Against the Water Barrel
The man is definitely dead—his throat slit cleanly, with little sign of a struggle. Whoever did this knew how to kill quietly.
His coat and boots suggest he was a traveler, possibly a courier or informant.
His hat is missing—either taken as a trophy, or more likely to obscure his identity.
The Back Door
Slightly ajar. A faint line of disturbed dirt suggests someone dragged something—or someone—through it.
No one has exited yet, meaning whoever is inside is either waiting or doesn’t think they left anything behind.
The Stable (20 yards from the tavern, partially collapsed)
At first glance, it appears empty.
But then—movement. A faint shift of shadows inside. Someone—or something—is watching the tavern just like he is.
Immediate Decisions for Elias
Observe the Tavern Longer – Stay in cover and watch for signs of movement, listening for voices or footsteps.
Investigate the Body (Stealthily) – Risk crossing the clearing to check the corpse for identifying items, hidden notes, or weapons.
Check the Stable First – If someone is hiding there, they could be another spy, a witness, or a threat.
Move to the Back Door – Get closer and listen in. Who is inside? Are they expecting more company?
The night air is still, the scent of damp leaves and blood mixing on the wind. Elias’s next move must be careful—this is no ordinary meeting.
What does he do?
You said:
How close is the stable to Elias’ current location? Also, if someone is inside, would they have likely seen him move to the forest?
ChatGPT said:
Stable Proximity & Line of Sight
The stable is about 20 yards from the tavern and roughly 30 yards from Elias' current position in the treeline.
Given Elias’ cautious retreat into the forest, whoever is inside the stable would have had a poor angle to see him moving into cover.
The most likely scenario: If they were already watching the tavern before Elias moved, they might have seen someone moving in the shadows but not clearly enough to identify him.
Key Factors:
Lighting Conditions:
The tavern’s lanterns cast flickering light outward, but Elias moved into darkness beyond their reach.
The stable is partially collapsed, meaning someone inside would be relying on moonlight or weak lantern glow to see outside.
Angle of Vision:
If the watcher in the stable was focused on the back door of the tavern, they likely did not see Elias enter the woods.
If they were scanning the entire area, they might have caught a glimpse of movement but not clearly enough to be sure.
Chance of Being Spotted:
If someone is actively watching, there’s a low to moderate chance (2 in 6) they noticed movement but likely don’t know if it was a person or just shifting shadows.
If the watcher is not paying close attention, they probably didn’t see him at all.
Elias’ Next Steps
Approach the Stable (Stealthily) – If he wants to find out who is inside, he could move closer, keeping to shadows. If they’re an ally, they may provide valuable intel.
Wait and Watch – Staying hidden for a few minutes could reveal whether the person in the stable moves or reacts to anything inside the tavern.
Ignore the Stable and Check the Body – If the watcher isn’t a threat, Elias can get closer to confirm the corpse’s identity.
Move Toward the Tavern’s Back Door – If the stable isn’t an immediate concern, he might be better off getting closer to the tavern and listening in.
Would Elias prefer caution, action, or observation here?
You said:
Elias will continue watching the tavern but keep a close eye on the stable as well, for another thirty minutes.
ChatGPT said:
Watching & Waiting
Elias settles deeper into the shadows, his breathing slow and steady as he observes both the tavern and the stable. The cold night air pricks at his skin, but he ignores it—patience is a hunter’s virtue.
The minutes stretch on, the only sounds being the rustling of wind through the trees and the distant hoot of an owl. The tavern remains eerily still, save for the occasional flicker of movement behind the windows.
What Elias Observes During the Next 30 Minutes
The Tavern
The back door remains slightly ajar, but no one has exited or entered.
The voices inside are low and infrequent—not the lively buzz of a tavern, but something more restrained, calculated.
A figure moves past a window, silhouetted against the lantern glow.
Too tall and broad-shouldered to be a barmaid.
Possibly a British officer, an informant, or a mercenary.
The Stable
After about fifteen minutes, Elias catches subtle movement inside.
A dark shape shifts, barely visible in the moonlight.
Whoever is in there is cautious, staying low and not making themselves obvious.
At twenty minutes, a faint glint of metal—a weapon? A spyglass? A lantern being adjusted?
At the thirty-minute mark, the person in the stable finally makes a move:
A slow, deliberate crawl toward the partially collapsed side—as if preparing to leave or get a better look at the tavern.
They do not appear to have noticed Elias.
Interpretation of Events
The tavern’s occupants are waiting for something—or someone.
The person in the stable is also waiting. But for who? Are they watching the tavern, or preparing to act?
The dead man in the back remains undisturbed. No one has come to check on him, which means either the killers feel secure, or they don’t know he’s there.
Elias’ Next Move
Now that the stable occupant is shifting position, Elias must decide:
Keep Watching the Stable – Stay hidden and see if they make a full exit or try to act.
Approach the Stable (Quietly) – If they are a spy or scout, Elias might extract information.
Move Closer to the Tavern – If the stable isn’t an immediate threat, getting closer to the back door might provide answers.
Use a Distraction – A thrown rock, a knocked-over barrel, or even sending his horse away could force a reaction from both the stable and the tavern.
What does Elias do?
You said:
Elias slides his rifle into firing position. Then he scrounges around the ground around his feet until he finds a marble-sized rock. Once he finds one, he will toss the rock lightly at the stable roof, attempting to strike the rooftop softly. At the same time he will keep look at the stable to see the response from within. He is not attempting to male a loud noise, just enough to cause the person inside to act with caution. He does not want to be loud enough that the people in the tavern hear the rock.
ChatGPT said:
Testing the Stable’s Occupant
Elias keeps his rifle steady, pressing the butt against his shoulder as he carefully picks through the dirt at his feet. His fingers find a smooth, marble-sized stone, cool against his skin. He rolls it once between his thumb and forefinger, gauging its weight.
With a quiet, practiced motion, he flicks his wrist, sending the rock in a gentle arc toward the stable’s roof.
A soft, harmless impact—not enough to alarm the entire area, but just enough to test the nerves of whoever is inside.
The Response
Elias remains perfectly still, rifle aimed at the stable’s shadowed entrance as he watches for a reaction.
A heartbeat of silence.
Then—a slow, controlled shift in the darkness.
Whoever is inside heard it. And they are listening now, too.
The shape inside moves lower, quieter. A faint shuffle of boots against hay—a controlled, careful movement, as if they are aware someone is outside, but they aren’t sure where.
Then—a subtle, almost imperceptible motion.
A rifle barrel slides forward first, barely breaching the shadow of the stable’s broken doorway.
Then, a sliver of movement—a figure lowering themselves slightly, trying to get a better look.
Their posture isn’t aggressive yet. They don’t fire. But they are now on full alert.
Elias' Observation:
This person knows how to stay hidden—a scout, a spy, or a soldier.
They didn’t panic or fire blindly—meaning they have experience and discipline.
Their first instinct was to watch, not run—suggesting they might have a reason to be here.
Elias’ Next Move
Now that the stable occupant is aware of something, Elias must decide:
Call Out Softly – A low, measured whisper:
“Don’t move.”
“Name yourself.”
“I see you. Step out—slow.”
See if they respond verbally, or if they flee.
Wait & Watch – Let the tension stretch further. If they move toward the tavern, Elias will track them. If they leave the stable, Elias can follow.
Force a Response – Another soft tap, or even shifting his position deliberately, might make them give away more information.
Fire a Warning Shot – A calculated risk, but it might force them to reveal themselves—or panic.
Does Elias engage, observe, or push further?
You said:
Elias will observe and wait.
ChatGPT said:
The Waiting Game
Elias remains motionless, rifle steady, breath slow. He lets the moment stretch, resisting the urge to act. In a standoff like this, the first to move often reveals their intentions.
The stable remains quiet, but not empty. Whoever is inside knows something is out here. The subtle shift of shadow, the careful placement of boots against loose hay—they are waiting too, testing the silence, listening for what comes next.
What Elias Observes Over the Next Few Minutes
The rifle barrel in the stable’s doorway remains steady—not withdrawn, not raised.
The figure inside does not retreat, but neither do they advance.
At the five-minute mark, a slow, deliberate movement—not an escape, but a careful repositioning.
At the eight-minute mark, a barely audible sigh. Then, a soft, murmured phrase in a low voice, almost like they are talking to themselves:
"Damn it… come on, make your move."The tone is frustrated, impatient, but controlled. A man who expected a clear course of action but is now unsure what he’s up against.
What This Tells Elias
This person isn’t just a nervous bystander.
They expected someone or something else.
They are trained—a soldier, scout, or spy.
They haven’t fired or fled, which means they need information just as much as Elias does.
They are waiting for movement—just like Elias.
The soft curse, the shift in stance—it’s the kind of frustration a patient hunter shows when prey refuses to move.
Who were they expecting? The men inside the tavern? Someone else?
Elias is the unknown factor.
The stable occupant knows something is outside, but not who.
If they were an enemy, they would have panicked or called for reinforcements by now.
Instead, they are listening, thinking, assessing—just like Elias.
Next Possible Moves
Keep Waiting – Let the tension build further, see if they eventually break and act first.
Call Out Softly – Test them with a whisper:
"You’re not alone out here."
"Who are you waiting for?"
"If you were going to shoot, you’d have done it already."
Shift Position Slightly – Just enough to see if they react—a calculated risk to make them move first.
Circle Around – Quietly reposition and get a new angle on the stable’s entrance.
Draw Them Out – A light knock on a tree, a footstep in the brush, anything to force them to reveal themselves.
The Moment of Decision
The wind stirs the leaves overhead, the distant voices in the tavern still too soft to make out. The man in the stable is waiting for something. So is Elias.
Does Elias stay locked in this silent duel, or does he make the first move?
You said:
From the voice, can Elias tell an accent? Is the speaker from the colonies or England?
ChatGPT said:
Analyzing the Voice
Elias sharpens his focus, letting the words drift through his memory before they fade into the night. "Damn it… come on, make your move."
A low voice, controlled—frustration, but not panic. This man was expecting something or someone.
Accent & Origin Analysis
Not English-born. There’s no sharp, clipped tone of a British officer or an aristocrat from London.
Not Hessian or French. No trace of a foreign cadence or the heavier consonants of a non-native English speaker.
American—Most Likely Colonial-Born.
The words were spoken with a familiar drawl, a softening of vowels that Elias knows well—the cadence of a man from the colonies.
It lacks the polished structure of a well-bred officer or the nasal inflection of a Boston Loyalist.
Most likely from New York, Pennsylvania, or Virginia.
What This Tells Elias
This is likely not a British officer, at least not a regular army man.
Possibly a Continental soldier, a scout, or a spy.
Could be a Loyalist militiaman. The war has driven many colonists into mercenary work, privateering, and espionage.
Not an untrained man. This person isn’t afraid—they are waiting, calculating.
Elias’ Options Now
Call Out (Softly, Testing Them)
"That makes two of us." (Implying they’re both waiting.)
"Patience is a virtue." (If they recognize it as a French and Indian War phrase, they might be an old scout.)
"You're expecting someone, aren't you?" (Push them to talk.)
Let the Silence Play Out – See if they break and act first.
Move (Stealthily) to a Better Angle – Position himself to see more of the stable’s entrance without exposing himself.
Draw Them Out with a Calculated Move –
Knock against a nearby tree or shift just enough to make them react.
What is Elias’ Instinct Here?
Does he engage verbally, physically reposition, or continue the waiting game?
You said:
In a low hushed voice, Elias will say “Ashford”. Not loud enough to be heard in the tavern, but hopefully enough for the stable-hidden person to hear
ChatGPT said:
A Single Word in the Dark
Elias exhales slowly, keeping his voice low and deliberate, just a soft breath above the wind.
The name slips into the night, disappearing almost as soon as it’s spoken.
For a moment, nothing.
Then—a reaction.
The Stable’s Response
A sharp inhale, just barely audible.
The rifle barrel lowers slightly, no longer aimed outward.
A long pause. Then, a soft, uncertain whisper from within:
“… Who calls?”
The voice is still controlled, cautious—but not hostile. Whoever this is, they didn’t expect Elias.
What This Reveals
This person knows the name "Ashford."
They weren’t expecting Elias, which means they either know Ashford personally or were supposed to meet someone else.
The lowered rifle suggests hesitation rather than immediate aggression.
Elias’ Next Move
This is the moment. Elias can:
Press the Connection Further
“A friend.” (Keep it ambiguous, see if they reveal more.)
“Where’s Ashford?” (Direct, puts them on the spot.)
“Are you waiting for him too?” (Implying Elias is also seeking him.)
Stay Silent & See What They Do – Let them make the next move.
Close the Distance Stealthily – Move closer to the stable, rifle ready but not aggressive.
Test for a Code Response – If Ashford was a true Patriot contact, there may be a countersign. Elias could say something like:
“The night grows cold.” (A common Patriot phrase—if they respond properly, he knows they’re an ally.)
“Liberty or death.” (If they answer with “Death before dishonor,” they’re Patriot-aligned.)
Does Elias play it cautious, direct, or testing?
You said:
Elias will whisper “a patriot”. He will keep his eyes on the rifle for motion
ChatGPT said:
The Test of Loyalty
Elias keeps his rifle steady, his breath slow and controlled as he watches the lowered barrel in the stable’s entrance. His voice, barely above the whisper of the wind, carries just one phrase:
“A patriot.”
The night holds its breath.
The Response
For a moment, nothing.
Then, the rifle shifts slightly downward, no longer positioned to fire but not fully relaxed either.
A long pause follows before the figure inside mutters, voice still low, still testing:
“… Then you're late.”
The words carry a hint of relief, but also lingering caution.
Whoever this is, they were waiting for someone—and they expected them sooner.
They haven't fully let their guard down yet.
A moment later, the voice adds:
“You alone?”
What Elias Has Learned
This person is on edge but isn’t openly hostile.
They were waiting for a Patriot contact, but was it Elias, or someone else?
They know something about Ashford.
Elias' Next Move
Stay Cautious, Stay in Control
“That depends—who were you expecting?” (Keep the power in the conversation.)
“That a problem?” (Assertive, testing their intentions.)
“What happened inside?” (See what they know about the tavern.)
Step Closer, Rifle Ready – If they don’t seem aggressive, Elias can move in closer for a better look.
Test Their Loyalty – Say a Patriot phrase like:
“The night grows cold.” (If they know the response, they’re likely on his side.)
“Liberty or Death.” (Seeing if they respond with the expected countersign.)
Deceive & Test Their Story – Pretend to be Ashford’s contact, see if they reveal what they were supposed to pass along.
Does Elias press them, move in, or test their allegiance?
You said:
Test their allegiance, “the night grows cold, friend”
ChatGPT said:
The Final Test
Elias keeps his voice steady, the whisper of a man who has been through too many long nights like this one.
"The night grows cold, friend."
His rifle remains steady, his eyes locked on the figure in the stable. This is the moment of truth.
The Response
A tense pause.
Then, a shift in posture.
The rifle lowers fully—not just eased, but drawn away from the entrance slightly.
The voice responds, just as quietly:
“… But the fire still burns.”
A correct countersign.
He’s a Patriot.
What This Means
This man is likely a true ally—he knows the correct response to the Patriot code phrase.
He was waiting for someone—but was that Elias, or another contact?
His relief is measured—he still doesn’t know who Elias is.
After a long exhale, the man inside finally moves forward, just enough for Elias to get a better look.
Who Elias Sees
A lean, rough-looking man, late 30s or early 40s.
Colonial dress, but worn and practical—like a scout or frontiersman.
A thick scarf wrapped high over his neck, obscuring part of his face.
His long rifle is well-used but well-maintained.
Dark eyes flicker with suspicion, but the grip on his weapon has eased.
He studies Elias for a moment, then nods once.
"Hell of a night to make introductions."
A beat, then:
"Ashford's dead."
Elias’ Next Move
With confirmation that this man is a Patriot, Elias now has to decide how to proceed.
"Tell me everything." – Get a full debrief on what happened. How does this man know Ashford is dead?
"Did you see who did it?" – Find out who else is involved.
"Then what are you still doing here?" – Why is this scout still waiting if the contact is dead?
"We don’t have time for games—why were you waiting for Ashford?" – Cut straight to the mission at hand.
The night is cold, but something about this just got a whole lot hotter. What does Elias do next?
You said:
Test their allegiance, “the night grows cold, friend”
ChatGPT said:
The Final Test
Elias keeps his rifle steady, voice low and deliberate.
"The night grows cold, friend."
The wind stirs the trees, carrying the faint creak of shifting wood from the stable. Silence stretches for a moment too long. Then—finally—a reply, just as quiet.
"...But the fire still burns."
Confirmation & Next Steps
The countersign is correct. The man inside is a Patriot, or at least someone working with them.
The rifle lowers fully, no longer in a combat-ready position.
A long exhale from inside, followed by the faintest shift in stance—relief, but still cautious.
The figure inside finally steps forward, enough for Elias to see:
A lean, weathered man, mid-to-late 30s.
Colonial dress, practical and travel-worn—like a scout or courier.
A scarf wrapped high around his neck, partially obscuring his face.
His rifle is well-used but well-maintained.
His dark eyes flick to Elias, assessing.
A pause. Then he nods once.
"Hell of a night to make introductions."
A beat, then:
"Ashford's dead."
Elias' Next Move
Now that the man has passed the Patriot test, Elias must decide how to proceed.
"Tell me everything." – Get a full debrief on what happened.
"Did you see who did it?" – Identify who else is in play tonight.
"Then what are you still doing here?" – If Ashford is dead, why is this man waiting?
"We don’t have time for games—why was Ashford meeting you?" – Cut straight to the mission.
What does Elias do next?
You said:
Elias extends his hand, smiles while they shake, and then ushers the man farther into the wood line. “Come, sit with me and tell me everything. Ashford was to give me information vital to the sons of liberty, a chance for success. Now I fear, the chance is lost.”
ChatGPT said:
Into the Shadows
The man eyes Elias’ extended hand for a moment, still wary, but after a breath, he takes it in a firm, calloused grip. A proper scout’s handshake—quick, strong, deliberate.
Elias flashes a brief smile, the kind that carries just enough warmth to ease tension, but not enough to let down all walls. He gestures toward the tree line, away from open ground.
"Come, sit with me and tell me everything," Elias murmurs, voice barely above the wind.
The man hesitates only briefly before nodding. Without another word, the two melt deeper into the cover of the trees.
The Story of Ashford’s Fate
The pair crouch low among the underbrush, facing each other beneath the dark canopy. The wind shifts overhead, rattling brittle autumn leaves, but the forest itself remains still.
The man’s face is partially shadowed, but his eyes glint sharp, calculating. After a pause, he speaks:
“Name’s Silas Rook.”
A Virginia accent, though muted—likely a man who’s traveled far. A scout, same as Elias.
“Ashford was compromised. Someone knew he was meeting a contact tonight. They got to him before you did.”
His voice is even, but there’s a weight to it. He glances toward the tavern.
“I came through an hour ago, expecting to meet him inside. Instead, I found a group of men in the back room—Redcoats, or men working for them. Ashford wasn’t with them, and I knew something was wrong. I slipped back out and scouted the area.”
He shifts slightly, adjusting his grip on his rifle.
“That’s when I found him. Dead. Just like you did.”
A breath.
“I stayed to see who came next. If it was his real contact—turns out, that’s you.”
What Elias Knows Now
Ashford was compromised.
The British (or their spies) knew about the meeting before Elias arrived.
They intercepted Ashford and killed him.
A group is inside the tavern, in the back room.
They are likely Redcoats or Loyalist agents.
They are waiting for someone. Possibly Ashford’s contact.
If Elias had walked in cold, he might have been captured or worse.
Silas is an ally, but not the original contact.
He was waiting to see who else came.
He believed Elias was the next link in the chain.
After a pause, Silas leans in slightly.
“You said this meeting was for something vital. What was Ashford supposed to give you?”
His voice is lower now, more serious.
“If it’s as important as you say, then maybe the chance ain’t lost yet.”
Elias' Next Move
Now that Silas is confirmed as an ally, Elias can:
Tell Silas the Mission – Let him in on what Ashford was supposed to deliver and see if he knows another way to recover the information.
Ask About the Tavern Men – See if Silas recognizes them or knows their purpose.
Propose a Counter-Move – The British intercepted Ashford, but that doesn’t mean they know everything. Maybe the mission can still be salvaged.
Decide on Immediate Action – If they wait too long, the men in the tavern might make their next move.
What does Elias do next?
You said:
Elias considers for a moment, then speaks. “Ashford was going to confirm details regarding a British supply convoy. He was to share more detailed knowledge of the route. You might have been able to catch the lobsterbacks with their pants down.” Elias sits back on his haunches and lets out a long exhale. “I fear the chance is now lost with Ashford’s death.”
ChatGPT said:
A Chance Not Yet Lost
Silas Rook listens, his expression shadowed beneath the trees. When Elias finishes, he exhales through his nose—a quiet, measured breath. Not one of defeat, but of calculation.
His fingers tighten briefly around the stock of his rifle before he shakes his head.
“That’s no small thing, Dunmore.” His voice is quiet, but there’s a weight behind it. “A supply convoy. If we knew when and where, we could hit them hard. Take their powder, their lead, maybe even their food stores. That’d keep the fight going for weeks.”
He rubs his jaw, thinking. Then, his dark eyes lift to meet Elias’.
“I don’t think the chance is lost.”
He tilts his head toward the tavern, eyes narrowing.
“The men inside? They didn’t leave after killing Ashford. They’re waiting for something. Maybe they weren’t just sent to kill him—maybe they were meant to recover what he knew.”
A slow nod.
“If the British wanted Ashford dead, they’d have just left his body in the street. But they didn’t. They dragged him outside, dumped him by the barrels. They wanted to make sure his contact never got what he was carrying.”
Silas shifts slightly, keeping his voice low.
“But that means they might still have it. Maybe he didn’t get a chance to pass the information along before they got to him. Maybe they searched him and found something worth keeping.”
A pause.
“Or maybe… he managed to hide it before they got to him.”
New Possibilities
The British Inside Might Have the Information
If they searched Ashford, they could have found maps, notes, coded messages—anything detailing the convoy’s route.
If that’s the case, the information can still be taken back.
Ashford Might Have Hidden the Intel Before He Died
If he knew he was being followed, he may have stashed the information somewhere.
It could still be on his body, sewn into clothing, inside a boot, or hidden nearby.
If the British didn’t find it yet, it’s still out there.
A New Opportunity—Interception
If the British haven’t passed the intel up the chain yet, Elias and Silas could intercept the message before it reaches British command.
If they follow whoever leaves the tavern, they may find where the information is going.
Elias’ Next Move
Check Ashford’s Body Again – If he hid something, it’s better to find it before the British realize they missed it.
Spy on the Tavern More Closely – Get a better look inside, listen to their conversation, and figure out what they know.
Follow Whoever Leaves the Tavern – If they have the intel, they’ll eventually try to report it to a British officer. Elias and Silas could ambush them on the road.
Create a Distraction – Force the British inside to act, see how they move, and use the chaos to their advantage.
Silas watches Elias closely, waiting. "This isn't over yet, Dunmore. Question is—how do we take it back?"
What does Elias do?
You said:
What is the current time?
ChatGPT said:
Current Time & Conditions
It is late evening, nearing midnight.
The moon is waning, offering some light but plenty of shadows for cover.
The tavern lanterns still flicker, casting dim light on the building and the clearing.
The air is cold, crisp, typical of an autumn night in the colonies.
The roads are quiet. Most travelers would have either bunked down for the night or moved through earlier.
Given the time, any movement from the tavern now would be suspicious. If the British are waiting for someone, that person would likely arrive soon—or they’ll decide to leave with whatever information they’ve gathered.
Key Implications of the Time
Patience may pay off. If the British men inside are waiting for a courier or officer to retrieve the intel, they’ll make their move soon.
If Elias acts now, he has the cover of darkness. The low firelight from inside the tavern and the deep shadows of the forest give him a chance to spy, reposition, or strike unseen.
If the British do have the convoy intel, they likely won’t stay here much longer. If they intend to transport it, it will be soon.
Elias’ Next Move with Time in Mind
Wait & Watch the Tavern Until Someone Leaves – The British won’t sit there forever. If a courier arrives or they try to leave, Elias can track them or ambush them on the road.
Sneak to the Tavern’s Back Door & Listen – If they’re talking about the intel, Elias can gather crucial details before deciding his next step.
Check Ashford’s Body Immediately – If the British missed something, Elias and Silas need to find it before they do.
Force a Move with a Distraction – If they’re stalling inside, Elias could flush them out and see what they do under pressure.
With the late hour and the risk of the enemy moving soon, time is tight, but still an advantage if played right.
How does Elias proceed?
You said:
Question: how many exits does the tavern have? “How many men do you believe are inside,” Elias asks Silas. “I would like to draw them out and cut off any escape. Shoot them as they exit the building.”
ChatGPT said:
Tavern Exits & Layout
Silas furrows his brow, thinking. He glances toward the dimly lit building, then back at Elias.
“Two main exits,” he murmurs. “Front door and back door. Maybe a small kitchen door, but it wouldn’t be an easy escape route.”
Known Exits:
The Front Entrance – Faces the main road, where the horses are tied.
Wider, more visible—if they run, this is where they'll likely go first.
If a courier arrives, he’ll likely enter through here.
The Back Door – Leads to the barrels, storage area, and where Ashford’s body was dumped.
Less visible but easier for a quiet escape.
If they realize they’re in trouble, they may flee this way.
Possible Kitchen Exit – A small side door near the rear, mostly used for staff.
Unconfirmed if it's unlocked or used.
A desperate escape route, not a planned one.
Silas’ Estimate on Enemy Numbers
Silas rubs a hand over his face, eyes narrowed as he considers Elias’ question.
“At least three inside. Maybe four. Couldn’t get a clear look. They weren’t drinking like travelers—too quiet, too controlled. Definitely not just regular Redcoats.”
A beat, then:
“My guess? Spies or Loyalist irregulars. Men used to working quiet. Could be ex-rangers, Hessian operatives, or Tory militia.”
“If we draw them out, we have the advantage. But we’d better be sure none slip away.”
Tactical Options for the Ambush
Force Them Out & Gun Them Down
Make Noise Inside (Shoot through a window, break something, or start a small fire near the back).
Silas Covers the Back, Elias Covers the Front—anyone who runs gets dropped.
Risk: If there’s a back window or the kitchen exit is open, they might escape unseen.
Flush Them Out, Then Track the Survivor
Shoot through a window or door, forcing them to flee.
Follow anyone who escapes, hoping they lead to their contact or the missing intel.
Risk: They might split up, making pursuit harder.
Stealth Approach & Take Them Quietly
Elias sneaks in first while Silas watches the exits.
Kill them one by one inside, preventing escape.
Risk: If they realize what’s happening too soon, it becomes a gunfight indoors.
Smoke Them Out
Fire near the back door or smoke in through a window.
They’ll flee, and Elias & Silas pick them off as they run.
Risk: Could draw unintended attention (locals, patrols, unknown forces).
Silas Looks to Elias
“If we’re doing this, we do it now. What’s your call?”
Does Elias ambush, flush them out, or infiltrate?
You said:
“Are you a great shot?”
ChatGPT said:
Silas smirks slightly, though his expression remains sharp and focused.
"I don’t waste powder."
A beat. Then, more seriously:
"I ain’t one to boast, but if a man’s running and I got a clear shot, he ain’t running far."
He pats his long rifle, adjusting his grip.
"You thinking we take 'em as they come out?"
His tone carries a hint of approval. He likes the directness—but he’s also waiting to see if Elias has a more refined plan.
Elias’ Tactical Options with a Marksman Ally
With Silas being a strong shot, Elias can tailor the ambush accordingly:
Classic Crossfire Ambush
Elias covers one exit, Silas covers the other.
Force them out (gunshot through window, minor fire, or noise), then gun them down as they flee.
Advantage: Fast, decisive, no survivors.
Risk: If they have a trained shooter inside, they might fight back rather than flee.
Bait & Sniper Approach
Elias makes noise or acts as bait (perhaps pretending to be a lost traveler or knocking loudly on the door).
Silas positions himself at a sniper angle, ready to drop anyone who bolts.
Advantage: Confusion gives them an early advantage.
Risk: If they realize the ruse, Elias might be exposed before Silas can cover.
Stealth Elimination Before the Ambush
Elias sneaks to a window or door to identify how many are inside.
If one is isolated, Elias takes him down quietly before they know what’s happening.
Once the fight starts, Silas handles runners.
Advantage: Reduces enemy numbers before a full fight.
Risk: If Elias is spotted, it turns into a close-quarters fight inside.
Force the Enemy to Flee Toward a Kill Zone
Smoke them out or attack from one side, forcing them to flee in a predictable direction.
Silas sets up with his rifle on their escape path.
Advantage: Controls the battlefield, ensuring they run right into the ambush.
Risk: If they’re disciplined, they might hold their ground and fight instead of running.
Silas Adjusts His Stance, Waiting
"Tell me where you want me, and I’ll make sure none of 'em get far."
How does Elias want to set up the ambush?
You said:
Elias is thinking option 1. “You set up across the street, ready to shoot. Their horses are out front, so when the shooting starts they will try to make it to their horses and make a quick escape. I want to sneak up to the back and set the some of that straw and barrel on fire. Lots of flames and smoke. Then I will move to your left, near that clump of trees,” Elias points to a small grove down the road about 20 yards from the tavern. “I get set for shooting. As they come out, we take them down. If we can spare one, either hit his horse or wound but not kill, we can question him. Either way, none of them make it to morning. We can search them.” “What do you think?”
ChatGPT said:
Silas listens closely, eyes tracking the plan as Elias lays it out. As soon as he hears "none of them make it to morning," he nods once—approval, but also understanding.
"It’s clean. It’s controlled. And it’s final." He shifts his rifle slightly in his hands, adjusting his grip. "I’ll take position across the street, just past their horses. Gives me a straight shot if they break for ‘em."
He glances at the clump of trees where Elias plans to set up.
"Good cover. Gives you angles on both doors. Once the fire starts, they’ll be running blind. If they get panicked, they’ll be easier targets."
A beat.
"I like it."
Final Adjustments to the Plan
Silas' Position: Across the street, just past the horses, giving him an open line of fire on fleeing targets.
Elias' Setup:
Sneak to the back of the tavern and set fire to the straw & barrels.
Move to the left-side tree cover, giving himself a clear shot at both the front entrance and anyone fleeing in chaos.
Once the fire grows, the smoke will drive them out.
As soon as they exit, both Elias and Silas open fire.
If possible, they wound one for questioning.
None make it out alive.
Silas Readies Himself
He taps his rifle once against his forearm, a quiet gesture—more habit than necessity.
"You light the fire, I watch the door. Once you’re in position, give me a small sign—a rock toss, a bird call, something quiet. As soon as the first bastard steps out, we open fire."
He meets Elias’ gaze.
"No second chances on this one. You ready?"
Once Elias confirms, Silas moves into position—silent, methodical, and already blending into the night.
The Next Move
Now, Elias must move to set the fire—his stealth, speed, and precision will dictate the start of the ambush.
Does Elias proceed as planned, or does he make any last-minute adjustments before striking?
You said:
Elias will bundle s bunch of straw, branches, etc creating an armful of flammable material. Then strike up a kindling flame, keeping it sheltered from the wind and from observation by using his cloak. He then will sneak up to the back of the tavern and set his bundle in place at the back door. Elias will then set it alight. Once sure it is burning, he will sneak off to his position in the trees.
ChatGPT said:
Lighting the Fuse
Elias moves swiftly and methodically, bundling dry straw, twigs, and bits of broken branches into an armful of flammable material. The cold autumn air bites against his face, but his hands work with the practiced efficiency of a soldier who has done this before.
Taking a knee behind cover, he shelters the bundle beneath his cloak, striking flint to steel. A single spark. Then another. He coaxes the embers with careful breath, shielding the faint glow from wandering eyes. The kindling catches, a small flame flickering to life.
Controlled. Contained. Deadly.
Moving to the Tavern
Elias moves silently through the shadows, straw bundle in hand, keeping low as he approaches the rear of the tavern.
The back door looms ahead, slightly ajar, the very place Ashford was dragged through before his murder.
The tavern remains quiet, but Elias can hear the occasional muffled voices from inside.
He places the burning bundle against the base of the back wall, pressing it close to the wooden boards and barrels stacked nearby. Within moments, the fire takes hold, embers licking at the dry material.
A faint crackle rises as the flames spread.
Elias doesn’t wait to watch. He slips away, silent as a shadow.
The Fire Spreads—Elias Takes Position
As Elias moves back to his cover in the grove, the fire grows.
At first, it’s just smoke—a thin, curling wisp against the night sky.
Then—the wood crackles louder, the flames take hold.
Within moments, the fire is alive.
Elias reaches his position, settling in behind the trees where he has a clear line of sight to the front of the tavern.
Across the street, Silas is already in position, rifle at the ready. Even at this distance, Elias can see him steady as stone, waiting.
The Tavern Reacts
From inside, muffled voices shift to alarm.
A chair scrapes.
A bark of command.
The door hinges groan.
Then—the front door bursts open.
The trap is sprung.
The first man stumbles out, coughing, turning toward the horses—completely unaware of what waits in the shadows.
The Moment of Action
Elias has the first shot.
Shoot the first man immediately—drop him before he can warn the others.
Wait for more to emerge—if the fire drives them into a full panic, they’ll make easier targets.
Take a calculated shot at the horses—create further chaos, cutting off their only means of escape.
Silas is already lining up his sights. The moment Elias fires, the ambush begins.
What does Elias do?
You said:
Elias will wait for a third man to step out and fire a killing shot at him.
ChatGPT said:
The Kill Zone
Elias steadies his breath, rifle firm against his shoulder. His heartbeat slows, controlled and measured. He waits.
The first man stumbles onto the porch, coughing as smoke billows from the tavern’s back. He’s unarmed, or at least unprepared—his instincts are focused on escape, not combat.
The second follows fast behind, a pistol in his grip, but no time to use it yet. He spins toward the horses, eyes darting wildly.
Elias doesn’t move. Not yet.
Then—the third man steps out.
A taller figure, bulkier, moving with discipline rather than panic. His coat is dark, his posture sharp. A man trained for violence.
Elias fires.
The Shot
The crack of the rifle rips through the night.
The musket ball hits home—center mass.
The third man jerks violently, his breath ripped away in an instant.
His legs give out, body crashing down the steps in a crumpled heap.
For a half-second, silence.
Then—the chaos erupts.
Silas Joins the Fight
The second man whirls in panic, pistol rising—
Silas fires first.
A clean shot. The man staggers back, clutching his gut, then collapses.
The first man bolts toward the horses—
A mistake.
Silas tracks him, fires.
The bullet catches his thigh, sending him sprawling into the dirt.
One alive for questioning.
What’s Next?
Shouting erupts from inside—at least one more remains within the burning tavern.
The fire is spreading fast, smoke pouring from the back.
The wounded man groans in the dirt, clutching his leg.
The last enemy inside has seconds to escape—or die in the flames.
Elias’ Next Move
Advance on the wounded man—secure him before he tries to escape.
Take position and wait for the last man to run out—shoot him as he flees.
Call out to Silas to cover him while moving up—coordinate the next strike.
Check the bodies quickly—look for maps, documents, or anything valuable before reinforcements come.
Smoke thickens. The night is alive with the smell of powder and burning wood.
What does Elias do?
You said:
Note: we should be using the rules provided and rolling dice to determine success or failure of actions based on the rules.
ChatGPT said:
You're absolutely right—we should be rolling dice based on the Liberty or Death system. Let's resolve Elias' shot using the provided mechanics.
Rolling for the Shot (2d6 + MIG for a Musket Attack)
Elias is using a musket (d6/a damage, 1 round reload time).
Attack Roll: 2d6 + Might (MIG)
Difficulty: Standard attack roll vs. DC 8.
Critical Success: Double 6s.
Critical Failure: Double 1s.
I'll roll now.
Attack Roll Result: 8 (Success)
Elias' shot hits, striking the third man center mass just as intended. The target staggers violently, breath stolen in an instant before collapsing down the steps, lifeless.
Now Resolving Silas’ Shot (2d6 + MIG for Musket Attack)
Since Silas is also using a musket, I'll roll for his attack next.
Silas' Shot Result: 7 (Partial Success or Failure)
Silas fires, but his shot is slightly off. Instead of a clean kill, the musket ball hits the second man in the side, wounding him badly but not dropping him instantly. The man staggers, clutching his gut, collapsing to the ground but still conscious.
Rolling for the First Man’s Escape Attempt (Dodge Roll: 2d6 + AGI)
The first man is attempting to flee to the horses.
He rolls 2d6 + Agility (AGI).
If he succeeds (DC 8), he might mount up and escape.
If he fails, Silas will get a second shot.
I'll roll for the fleeing man now.
Fleeing Man’s Escape Attempt: 5 (Failure)
The first man stumbles in his panic, failing to reach the horses.
Silas quickly adjusts his aim and fires again.
The musket ball strikes the man’s thigh, sending him crashing into the dirt.
He is now alive but wounded, clutching his leg and unable to flee.
Current Situation Recap
Third man (target) is dead.
Second man (Silas’ target) is badly wounded but still breathing.
First man (fleeing to horses) is shot in the leg, incapacitated but alive.
One last enemy remains inside the burning tavern.
Next Steps for Elias
With one enemy left inside and two wounded men outside, Elias must decide his next action:
Advance on the wounded man near the horses—secure him before he can crawl away.
Ready his musket for the last enemy inside—wait to gun him down if he flees the flames.
Command Silas to cover while Elias loots the bodies—check for documents or maps before moving forward.
Shout an ultimatum to the last man inside—see if he surrenders or fights to the death.
What does Elias do?
You said:
Option 4. Elias aims at the open door, ready to fire. “If you want to live toss your weapons out, then come out with your hands up. We have you surrounded, there is no escape. We’re only want to ask some questions.”
ChatGPT said:
Elias Issues the Ultimatum
Elias steadies his rifle, aiming at the open doorway, watching for any sign of movement.
The fire in the back of the tavern is growing—smoke billows from within, and the glow of flames dances through the cracks in the wooden walls. The heat will soon force the last man inside to act.
Elias calls out, voice sharp, commanding, and measured:
“If you want to live, toss your weapons out, then come out with your hands up. We have you surrounded—there’s no escape. We only want to ask some questions.”
A long pause. The night is filled with crackling flames and the moans of the wounded men in the dirt.
Then—movement inside.
Rolling for Enemy's Reaction (2d6 + PRE for Morale Check)
If the roll is high, he may surrender.
If the roll is moderate, he may pretend to surrender, then try to run or fight.
If the roll is low, he may go down fighting or try a desperate escape.
Let’s see how he reacts.
Enemy's Reaction: 5 (Desperate Escape Attempt)
From inside the smoke-filled tavern, Elias hears a scramble of movement—not the clatter of a weapon being tossed out, but boots scraping against wood.
Then—a sudden burst of motion.
Instead of surrendering, the last man bolts for the back door, hoping to escape through the smoke and flames rather than face capture.
Elias' Immediate Choices
Fire a shot at him now (Attack Roll: 2d6 + AGI, risk hitting through smoke).
Sprint after him to engage in melee before he gets away.
Let Silas take the shot while Elias moves to intercept.
Follow but wait to see if the fire forces him back inside (he might run into worse danger).
Does Elias shoot, chase, or let the fire do its work?
You said:
3. Elias yells, “Silas! Take the shot!” As he stands and charges after the panicking man. If the man is still standing, Elias will attempt to club him with his heavy rifle in the back of the head.
ChatGPT said:
Silas' Shot: 6 (Miss or Grazing Shot)
Silas fires, but the shot goes wide—either missing in the thickening smoke or merely grazing the fleeing man.
The target keeps running.
Elias Charges to Melee
Now, Elias closes the distance, raising his rifle like a club to strike the man from behind.
Rolling for Melee Attack (2d6 + MIG for Rifle Bash)
Standard attack roll vs DC 8.
If successful, the enemy is struck in the back of the head and either knocked down or knocked out.
Rolling now.
Elias’ Rifle Bash: 8 (Success!)
Elias closes the distance fast, boots pounding against the dirt as the fleeing man stumbles toward the smoke-filled exit.
Before the man can escape, Elias swings his rifle in a brutal arc, bringing the heavy wooden stock crashing into the back of the man’s skull.
The target staggers forward, his body going limp mid-step.
His momentum carries him another foot before he crashes face-first into the dirt.
He doesn’t get up.
Unconscious. Alive. But completely at Elias’ mercy.
The Fight is Over. The Aftermath Begins.
The tavern continues to burn, flames consuming the back wall and smoke curling into the night sky.
Silas approaches, rifle still at the ready, eyes scanning the bodies.
“Nice hit.” His voice is flat, approving.
A quick check of the scene:
Two men are dead.
Two are alive (one wounded, one unconscious).
The fire is spreading fast—whatever was inside that tavern won’t be for much longer.
Elias’ Next Move
With two prisoners and the tavern burning, Elias must now decide:
Interrogate the Unconscious Man Immediately – Revive him and get answers before moving on.
Search the Bodies Quickly – Look for documents, maps, or anything useful before the fire spreads.
Drag the Prisoners Away from the Fire – Move them to a safe interrogation spot before enemy reinforcements arrive.
Escape Before Trouble Arrives – If this skirmish drew attention, it might be time to move fast.
Silas nudges the moaning, wounded man with his boot.
“What’s the call, Dunmore?”
What does Elias do next?
You said:
“Let’s search them quickly, if we are lucky, they may have information on them about the convoy. If not, we take this one with us and move out. We can interrogate him when we get to safety.”
ChatGPT said:
Search Result: 6 (Partial Success, Limited Information Found)
Elias kneels quickly, searching the bodies as the fire crackles louder behind him. His fingers move fast, patting down coats, belts, and pockets for anything useful.
He finds:
A pouch of coins and powder (common supplies, nothing unusual).
A folded letter on one of the dead men—but the fire and sweat have smudged the ink, making it difficult to read.
A small map tucked into the unconscious man’s coat—but it is rudimentary and lacks major details.
What he doesn’t find:
Clear orders about the British supply convoy.
A fully detailed route map.
Anything obviously connecting them to a higher officer.
Silas glances toward the burning tavern.
"If they had more, it’s either inside or already passed up the chain." He nods toward the unconscious man. "This bastard’s our best chance at filling in the blanks."
Next Move: Get Out Before Trouble Comes
With the fire spreading and little else to gain, Elias and Silas grab the unconscious man and move quickly into the tree line.
As they disappear into the darkness, the fire fully consumes the tavern, the night sky glowing with flames. Whatever was left behind is gone now.
The interrogation will have to wait until they’re safely away.
Mission Status:
Objective: Recover intelligence on the British supply convoy.
Result: Limited information found—one partial map, one damaged letter, and one prisoner for questioning.
Casualties: Two dead, one wounded left behind, one captive.
Tavern destroyed.
Next Steps for Elias & Silas
Find a Safehouse to Interrogate the Prisoner – Need a secure location before questioning.
Try to Decipher the Damaged Letter – The smudged ink might still reveal something useful.
Determine the Next Course of Action – If they don’t learn enough from the prisoner, what’s the next move?
As they move through the dark forest, Silas mutters, "We ain't done yet, Dunmore. I can feel it."
What’s Elias’ next priority?
You said:
Elias turns to Silas as he ties the man’s hands behind his back. Then searches him again for weapons. “Great job tonight, I appreciate the help.” He gives the man a hearty pat on the back. “Thank you. You happen to know a warm safehouse nearby we can rest and see what our new friend knows?”
ChatGPT said:
Search Result: 12 (Critical Success!)
Elias thoroughly searches the unconscious man, checking every pocket, every fold in his clothing, even the lining of his coat and boots.
What Elias Finds:
A hidden dagger strapped inside his boot. (A nasty surprise if left unchecked.)
A small, tightly folded note sewn into his coat lining. (Well-hidden—he was carrying something important.)
A second, tiny map tucked in his belt. (Similar to the first, but slightly more detailed—possibly a personal sketch of a route.)
Elias yanks the dagger free, tossing it aside before the prisoner has a chance to use it later. Then, he carefully extracts the hidden note and second map.
Silas raises an eyebrow.
“Damn, Dunmore. You got sharp hands.” He smirks, impressed. “That’s two things we wouldn’t have gotten out of his mouth.”
A Safehouse Nearby?
At Elias’ question, Silas nods thoughtfully.
“Yeah. There’s a small hunting lodge a few miles east—old place, off the main roads. Should be empty, or at least friendly.” He slings his rifle over his shoulder.
“It ain’t luxury, but it’s dry, warm, and quiet.”
Silas glances at the captive, then at Elias.
“Think we’ll have him talkin’ by dawn?”
Next Steps
Travel to the Safehouse – A few miles through the forest, avoiding roads.
Examine the New Intelligence – The hidden note and second map might reveal something important.
Plan the Interrogation – How to get answers from the captive once they’re secure.
The fire behind them rages, smoke rising into the cold night sky. They have what they need. Now, it’s time to disappear.
What does Elias do next?
You said:
1. “Let’s get to the lodge!”
ChatGPT said:
Into the Night
Elias secures the newly found note and second map inside his coat, giving one last glance at the burning tavern behind them. The fire is fully engulfed now, its glow flickering through the trees as smoke rises into the cold night sky.
No time to linger.
He grips the ropes binding their captive and nods to Silas.
“Let’s get to the lodge.”
Without another word, the two men fade into the dark treeline, their boots silent on the forest floor as they move swiftly eastward, away from the destruction.
The Journey to the Safehouse
Time: Midnight, moving into early morning.
Terrain: Dense forest, uneven ground, scattered patches of brush and undergrowth.
Weather: The night air is cold, crisp, but clear. No immediate storm.
Distance: Roughly three miles to the hunting lodge—about an hour’s travel with the prisoner in tow.
Caution Required: The gunfire and fire may have drawn attention.
Rolling for the Journey (2d6 + WIT for Awareness & Stealth Check)
Success: They move undetected, reaching the safehouse without issue.
Partial Success: They hear movement nearby, possibly a patrol or scouts.
Failure: Something is watching them—or tracking them.
Rolling now.
Journey Roll Result: 10 (Success!)
Elias and Silas move swiftly and silently through the dense forest, their footsteps blending into the natural sounds of the night. The captive, still unconscious, slumps forward as they drag him along.
No signs of pursuit.
No distant torches, no echoing voices.
If the British had patrols nearby, they haven’t found their trail.
The cold wind carries only the distant crackling of the burning tavern, now fading behind them.
After about an hour’s careful travel, they break through the trees into a small clearing.
The Hunting Lodge Safehouse
The lodge is a sturdy, one-room wooden cabin, old but well-maintained.
Stone chimney on the side, though no fire is currently burning.
Woodpile stacked along the wall, good for warmth.
No sign of recent use—but the door is still secure, and the shutters remain closed tight.
Silas approaches first, checking the door and windows.
“Still empty. No tracks. We’re good.” He pushes the door open, revealing a simple but functional interior:
A rough-hewn table and chairs.
A cot in the corner.
Old pelts and dried provisions.
Elias drags the prisoner inside, dumping him unceremoniously against the wall.
Silas bolts the door behind them, then turns to Elias, cracking his knuckles.
“Alright, Dunmore. We’re safe. Now let’s see what our friend has to say.”
Next Steps in the Safehouse
Wake & Interrogate the Captive – Get answers before he regains his strength.
Examine the Hidden Note & Second Map – These might provide clues before questioning.
Secure the Cabin Further – In case anyone does come looking.
Rest & Recover – If interrogation can wait, they might take shifts to rest.
Silas pulls up a chair, rolling his shoulders.
“Your call, Dunmore. What’s first?”
You said:
End session one. Award one XP.
ChatGPT said:
Session One Complete
Mission Summary:
✅ Eliminated Loyalist operatives at the tavern.
✅ Recovered intelligence (maps & hidden note).
✅ Captured a prisoner for interrogation.
✅ Escaped undetected to the safehouse.
XP Awarded:
🎖 +1 XP to Elias Dunmore
Next Session Hooks:
Interrogate the Captive – What does he know about the convoy? Who was his contact?
Decode the Hidden Note & Map – Does it reveal a meeting place? A supply route?
Prepare for the Next Move – Should they ambush the convoy, pass intel to the Patriots, or uncover a larger plot?
Session End. XP Logged.
🎲 Ready for Next Mission.
Would you like me to keep track of XP & inventory for future sessions?
You said:
Yes. Also update Elias Dunmore’s character sheet with any changes as we play. After each session, update the character sheet and display it.
ChatGPT said:
Memory updated
Updated Character Sheet: Elias Dunmore
Name: Elias Dunmore
Age: 37
Background: Former Loyalist turned Patriot Spy
Occupation: Surveyor & Cartographer (Grants free movement)
Previous Experience: Veteran of the French and Indian War
Stats (4 Points Distributed)
Might (MIG): +1 (Combat & physical strength)
Endurance (END): +2 (Resilience & stamina)
Agility (AGI): +1 (Speed & reflexes)
Wits (WIT): +2 (Perception, tracking, & strategy)
Presence (PRE): 0 (Charisma, persuasion, & intimidation)
Health: 8 HP (6 + END)
XP: 1
Skills & Abilities
✅ Wilderness Tracker – Advantage (d6/a) on navigation, foraging, and stealth in the wilderness.
✅ Sharpshooter – +1 to hit when using a rifle.
✅ Deception – Can pose as a Loyalist official to avoid scrutiny.
✅ Warrior’s Instinct – If ambushed, can act first before the enemy.
Equipment & Inventory
Primary Weapon: Long Rifle (d6/a, slow reload, but deadly at range)
Secondary Weapon: Hunting Knife (d6/d, concealable, used for survival & combat)
Armor: Leather Coat (+1 DR, no penalty)
Spyglass (Advantage on spotting distant targets)
Surveyor’s Tools (Advantage on navigation, forgery of maps, etc.)
Personal Relic: A lock of his late wife’s hair, carried in a small locket.
Newly Acquired Items:
✅ Partially burned letter (needs decoding)
✅ Rudimentary map of British convoy route
✅ More detailed secondary map (hidden on captured Loyalist)
✅ Captured Loyalist operative (bound & unconscious)
Mission Log
📌 Session 1:
Tavern Ambush: Successfully eliminated Loyalist spies.
Captured a Prisoner: One survivor for interrogation.
Recovered Intelligence: Two maps and a hidden note.
Escaped Undetected: Secured a safehouse before dawn.
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