Previous sessions: Zero, one, one.five, two, three
Session Four Begins – Return to the Watchtower
Early morning mist clings to the cobblestones as the Keep slowly wakes. The crisp air smells of bread and woodsmoke, and the first light of dawn cuts over the eastern walls.
Inside the Traveller’s Rest Tavern, Aldric and his companions gather for a quick, warm meal—fresh bread, stewed beans, and dark coffee, enough to steel them for the road ahead. No one speaks much—the weight of yesterday’s discoveries hangs over the table like a cloud.
When the meal is done, Aldric tightens his sword belt, checks the lashing on his packs, and nods to the others. “Time to go.”
On the Trail – The Watchtower Revisited
The company departs the Keep, heading once more into the untamed hills and winding game trails that lead to the old watchtower ruins. Fortune the mule trots along behind Wyllow, less enthusiastic than the rest, but loyal as ever.
By mid-morning, they are nearing the location—the rise in the land that hides the crumbled tower just below the ridge. The area is still and quiet, but Aldric’s instincts itch at the silence.
He raises a hand. “Hold. We do this carefully.”
The group crouches low in the brush as Aldric gives Wyllow a look.
“Scout the ridge. Quiet. Let us know if anyone’s taken an interest in the place since we left it.”
Wyllow nods silently, slipping away into the underbrush, dagger sheathed, cloak tight, feet making no more noise than a shadow passing over leaves.
Wyllow’s Stealth Check
(Roll 2d6 + FINESSE (+2) and let me know the result!)
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Wyllow’s Stealth Check – 10 (Success)
Wyllow glides up the ridge like a breeze, staying low, slipping between twisted roots and clumps of stone. The sun is just beginning to burn off the mist, giving the ruined tower a ghostly halo below.
He reaches the crest, carefully parts a curtain of bramble, and peers down toward the watchtower ruins.
What Wyllow Sees
The trapdoor remains sealed, the large slab Dain and Roderic placed still atop it.
There is no sign of forced entry, no tools, no scuff marks, no recent tracks.
A murder of crows circles lazily overhead, but otherwise the ruins are still and undisturbed.
The remains of the bandits they hid in the woods nearby have not been disturbed either.
No fires, no movement, no sign of watchers or claimants.
Wyllow waits a few extra minutes, scanning the horizon, then silently slips back down the hill.
He returns to the group with a nod. “Clear. Quiet as a grave. No signs of anyone poking around.”
Dain grunts. “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”
Roderic eyes the ruins ahead. “Same plan as before? Down through the hatch?”
Wyllow shrugs. “Unless you’d like to go digging through a wall instead, I say we stick with what works.”
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Approach Quietly & Enter the Ruins – Stealth and caution.
Circle the Area First – Check for hidden paths or signs of watchers.
Set a Perimeter Watch – Leave someone above while the others go below.
Approach Directly and Remove the Slab – Save time and get to the hatch.
What does Aldric command?
You said:
2. Aldric wants no surprises
ChatGPT said:
Circling the Ruins – Clearing the Shadows
Aldric holds up a fist, signaling the others to stay low.
“We circle the area first. No surprises. I want to know what’s around us before we go digging into the dark.”
Dain and Roderic nod without complaint, and Wyllow flashes a grin, clearly pleased with the decision to keep things cautious.
The group fans out, each taking a direction, moving slowly and deliberately around the perimeter of the ruined watchtower.
What Aldric & the Company Discover
To the north, Aldric finds an old collapsed retaining wall, overgrown with moss and half-buried. Beneath it, a weathered drain tunnel—no wider than a man’s shoulders—leads back toward the watchtower's foundations. It appears untouched, but it's a second way in… or out.
Wyllow, circling to the south, finds nothing new—just the same path they used before, their own tracks now barely visible in the dry earth.
Dain, sweeping west, checks the edge of the tree line, where the two bandits were buried in shallow brush. The makeshift burial is undisturbed—no animals, no digging, no scavengers.
Roderic, circling east, spots old stone footing that suggests the tower once had outer buildings or walls, now long collapsed. One corner has a sinkhole—natural erosion—but nothing fresh, and no sign of use.
After a careful twenty minutes, the group regathers, dust-covered but satisfied.
“No sign of scouts, tracks, or trouble,” Aldric confirms. “But I found a drainage tunnel. Could be another way in.”
Wyllow raises an eyebrow. “Claustrophobic, but might be useful if we need a quick exit.”
Dain snorts. “So long as it doesn’t go straight into a flooded pit, I’m fine with the front door.”
Aldric’s Next Move:
Enter via the Trapdoor (Main Entry) – Known and direct, but more exposed.
Explore the Drainage Tunnel First – Could lead to a hidden chamber or a back way in.
Split the Party – One group through the hatch, one through the tunnel.
Set a Perimeter Guard – Leave one man up top to watch while the others explore.
What does Aldric decide?
You said:
1. “Alright, same as before, down the hatch!”
ChatGPT said:
Back into the Dark – Return Through the Trapdoor
Aldric points to the slab covering the hidden hatch.
“Alright, same as before—down the hatch. Wyllow, get us in. Dain, Roderic, keep watch while he works.”
The team moves smoothly, each man knowing his role. Wyllow kneels at the edge of the slab, running a hand along its side.
“Still where we left it… and no signs it’s been moved.”
With a nod, Dain and Roderic grip the slab’s edges and heave it aside with a grunt, the stone scraping against the old tower floor. Dust rises in lazy coils as the trapdoor is revealed—still intact, still sealed.
Wyllow slips his fingers along the edge, gives a small pop with the crowbar, and—
The hatch opens with a creak, revealing the cold, stone steps descending into the earth below.
A familiar chill spills up from the darkness, along with that now-familiar metallic scent.
Marching Order
How does Aldric arrange the party for the descent?
Aldric first (Torch), followed by Dain (Sword), then Wyllow, with Roderic rear.
Wyllow first (Scout), then Aldric, Roderic, and Dain last.
Dain first (Blade ready), Aldric with torch behind, then Wyllow and Roderic.
Other arrangement (Specify).
What’s the marching order into the dark?
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Marching Order Chosen
Wyllow first – light-footed and sharp-eyed.
Aldric second – torch in hand, ready to react.
Roderic third – steady, spear at the ready.
Dain last – watching their backs, runed sword sheathed but close.
Descent into the Depths
Wyllow leads the way, descending the narrow stone steps with careful precision. The walls feel closer than before, the air cooler, heavier.
Aldric follows with the torch, the flame casting shadows that writhe across the rough-hewn stone, familiar but still foreboding.
The group reaches the first underground chamber—the same room where they found the skeleton, the ancient chest, and where Aldric crushed the undead guardian’s skull beneath his boot.
The remains of the creature still lie crumpled, now fully collapsed and still, its chains rusted and unmoving.
The air is still thick with that metallic tang, but there’s something new now…
The silence is deeper.
The tunnel that extends beyond—the one they had not yet explored—still yawns open, like a mouth waiting in the gloom.
Roderic whispers: “So… back where we left off. What’s our play?”
Aldric’s Next Move:
Examine the Remains Again – See if the corpse or chains have changed.
Head Straight for the Tunnel – Begin exploring the deeper passage.
Search the Chamber More Thoroughly – Look for hidden doors or clues.
Have Wyllow Scout the Tunnel First – Keep to the shadows.
What does Aldric command?
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Into the Tunnel – Deeper Into the Watchtower
Aldric motions toward the tunnel ahead, torch held high.
“No point lingering. Let’s see what else this place is hiding.”
Wyllow slips his dagger free, Roderic lowers his spear into a ready grip, and Dain draws the runed sword, the ancient blade silent, but heavy with intent.
The tunnel is narrow, carved from the same stone as the first chamber, but the walls here are smoother, shaped with greater purpose, almost like a passage from a forgotten fortress.
The torchlight reveals scratches along the walls—not runes, not symbols, but gouges—as though something clawed at the stone, or was dragged against it, repeatedly.
As the tunnel curves left, it opens into a larger underground chamber, partially collapsed on the far end, but still intact enough to hold what was once a guardroom or crypt.
There are three notable features within:
A stone archway built into the far wall, now sealed with a slab of blackened stone, smooth and intact. Runes have been carved into the stone around it, faintly glowing in the torchlight.
A stone plinth in the center, with broken shackles lying atop it—whatever was once bound here is long gone.
A collapsed corner wall revealing part of a hidden chamber beyond—narrow, but passable.
The room is still, but something lingers in the air—tension, like a breath held too long.
What Does Aldric Do?
Examine the Sealed Archway – The runes may reveal more.
Inspect the Stone Plinth – Find out what was chained here.
Enter the Collapsed Corner Chamber – It’s tight, but might hold a secret.
Have Wyllow Check for Traps or Hidden Doors – Better safe than sorry.
Split the Team to Investigate Multiple Areas – Divide and conquer.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
“Wyllow, search for traps, i want no surprises today. Roderic you’re on watch. Darin bring that sword closer to this arch, I’m curious admit these runes.”
ChatGPT said:
Caution First – Orders Given
Aldric’s voice is low, steady, carrying no hint of hesitation.
“Wyllow, search for traps—I want no surprises today. Roderic, you’re on watch. Dain… bring that sword closer to the arch. Let’s see what these runes have to say.”
Wyllow’s Trap Check
Wyllow gives a small salute with his dagger.
“No pressure, right?”
He begins moving through the chamber with slow, measured steps—eyes sharp, fingertips brushing stone, watching for seams, tripwires, or magical glyphs.
Roll 2d6 + FIN (+2) for Wyllow’s trap check. Let me know the result!
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Wyllow’s Trap Check – 7 (Partial Success)
Wyllow moves carefully, sweeping along the floor and walls of the chamber. His fingers trace faint pressure lines near the base of the stone archway—something is definitely embedded beneath the floor stones, just in front of the sealed door.
He leans in, frowns, and looks back at Aldric.
“There’s a mechanism. Subtle. Pressure-based, I think. But it’s old, maybe unstable.”
He points with the tip of his dagger. “Step too close to the arch and we might trigger it. Could be a spike trap. Could just drop the floor out from under us.”
Meanwhile… Dain & the Runed Sword
As Wyllow checks the trap, Dain approaches the archway from a careful angle, keeping outside the danger zone as he raises the runed sword toward the glowing runes.
The reaction is subtle but immediate.
The runes pulse slightly, a soft flicker of energy responding to the proximity of the blade. The air around the arch grows cooler, and the stone hums faintly, like a deep breath drawn in by a slumbering beast.
Roderic, standing at the ready behind them, mutters:
“It recognizes the sword…”
Dain grunts. “So the blade’s a key. Or a threat.”
Current Situation
Wyllow found a trap: floor-based, old but functional, triggered by proximity to the arch.
The runed sword interacts with the archway, causing the runes to glow faintly and the air to react.
The arch is sealed, and the trap would need to be disarmed or bypassed to reach it safely.
Aldric’s Options:
Have Wyllow Attempt to Disarm the Trap – Risky, but would clear safe access.
Pull Back and Investigate Another Area First – The plinth or the collapsed wall.
Have Dain Hold the Sword Closer – From a Safe Distance – See how far the interaction goes.
Leave the Arch Alone for Now – It’s reacting, but better to wait for Orin’s translation.
What does Aldric command?
You said:
4. “I don’t like it. Let’s check the other chamber.”
ChatGPT said:
Caution Prevails – To the Collapsed Chamber
Aldric steps back from the humming archway, his grip tightening on the torch. The runes still pulse faintly, reacting to the presence of the sword—but he’s seen enough.
“I don’t like it,” he says, voice low and firm. “Let’s not wake anything we’re not ready for. We’ll check the other chamber.”
Dain nods, stepping away from the threshold, the faint energy in the room dimming slightly as he does.
Roderic relaxes his grip slightly, eyes still scanning the shadows.
Wyllow gives the arch a wide berth, muttering, “I’ve never met a glowing door I trusted.”
The Collapsed Wall – Entry to the Narrow Passage
At the far corner of the chamber, a section of wall has crumbled inward, revealing a narrow, broken corridor beyond. Stone debris litters the floor, and it’s clear only one person can pass at a time.
Aldric raises the torch, illuminating a tight tunnel that curves into what looks like a storage alcove or a secondary chamber—perhaps once part of a cellar or crypt.
The air here is more stale, but there’s no immediate sense of danger.
You step through carefully, one by one, into a small vaulted space with broken shelving and decaying barrels, long since rotted through.
But one object stands out.
You Find:
A half-buried iron coffer, wedged behind a fallen beam. It appears untouched, sealed with an unfamiliar triangular lock.
Scratched into the nearby wall in dried, ancient script are words barely legible beneath the grime.
Wyllow steps up beside Aldric, brushing dust away. “Looks like a riddle… or a warning.”
What Does Aldric Do?
Read the Wall Inscription First – See what it says.
Have Wyllow Examine the Coffer for Traps – Better safe than sorry.
Try to Open the Coffer Immediately – It might hold another key.
Leave It Be – Too many sealed things in one day.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
ChatGPT said:
The Inscription on the Wall – A Faint Warning
Aldric raises the torch higher, letting its flickering light spill across the crumbling stone wall. He steps closer, brushing more of the dust and grime away with a gloved hand.
The carved letters are faint, shallow, etched by a hand that must have been rushed—or weakened. Parts are worn and broken, but some of the script is still legible.
The Inscription Reads:
“Here lies the bait, not the beast.
Beware the seal that does not break.
That which is locked was never meant to open.
That which is gone… still remembers.”
Wyllow lets out a long breath. “Well, that’s comforting.”
Roderic mutters, “Bait? Then what was the box?”
Dain frowns at the nearby coffer. “Or is this the bait?”
The coffer sits quietly in the shadows, its triangular lock dull and cold, silent beneath the weight of the room’s tension.
Aldric’s Reflection:
Whatever was sealed here was not meant to be disturbed—and yet, someone took the time to leave a message behind. Whether it’s a trap, a prison, or a lure… the chamber is not empty of purpose.
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Have Wyllow Examine the Coffer for Traps.
Attempt to Open the Coffer.
Leave It Undisturbed – Mark It for Later.
Return to the Main Chamber – Focus on the Plinth.
What’s Aldric’s decision?
You said:
How big is the coffer
ChatGPT said:
The iron coffer is about the size of a large satchel or small chest—roughly 18 inches long, 10 inches wide, and 8 inches tall.
It looks heavy, reinforced with iron bands.
The triangular lock is unusual—not a standard keyhole.
There are no handles, suggesting it wasn’t meant to be carried far—or easily.
It’s half-buried under debris, but could be freed with a bit of effort.
It’s too large to tuck into a pack, but light enough for one person to carry, albeit awkwardly.
The size suggests it was meant to protect something important, or something dangerous.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Was the gen inside the rune box triangular?
ChatGPT said:
Yes—Aldric remembers clearly now:
The black gemstone inside the sealed rune box was indeed triangular in shape.
Roughly palm-sized, dark and polished.
Three equal edges, sharp but not jagged—a near-perfect geometric cut.
It vibrated faintly, pulsing with dormant energy.
The velvet lining of the rune box was shaped to fit it precisely.
Now, seeing the triangular lock on this coffer…
It’s too similar to be coincidence.
Dain steps closer, brow furrowed. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
Wyllow doesn’t even smirk this time. “We didn’t bring the gem.”
And the words carved on the wall echo again in Aldric’s mind:
"That which is locked was never meant to open..."
Aldric’s Next Move?
Attempt to Open the Coffer Anyway – Without the Gem.
Leave It Sealed – Return With the Gem Later (If ever).
Examine It Further – See if anything reacts to touch or proximity.
Mark Its Location and Move On.
What does Aldric decide?
You said:
“The warning and not knowing the meaning of all these runes gives me pause,” he says. “What do you think?”
ChatGPT said:
The torchlight flickers across the stone walls as Aldric’s voice settles over the chamber.
“The warning… and not knowing the meaning of these runes… it gives me pause.”
He turns toward his companions, letting the question hang in the heavy air.
Their Thoughts
Dain squints at the coffer.
“If that gem fits in that lock, then someone wanted it opened only with that piece. Problem is, we don’t know what it opens—or unleashes.”
He taps the flat of the runed sword against his shoulder. “I don’t like the feel of this room. I say we leave it alone until we have more answers.”
Roderic nods.
“We don’t know enough. The runes, the sword, the box—something connects them. But we’re still fumbling in the dark. Let the sage finish his work. Then we come back prepared.”
Wyllow gives the coffer a long look, then shrugs.
“There might be treasure in there. Might be teeth. And I already like my hands the way they are.”
Then, more seriously, “Let’s mark it, log the trap, and leave it. Not all loot is meant to be looted.”
All signs point to caution. The coffer is clearly tied to the gem—and perhaps the sword—but too many questions remain. The room itself feels like a waiting chamber, and the warning carved into the wall wasn’t made for nothing.
Would you like to:
Mark the coffer and leave it untouched for now.
Do something else before leaving the chamber?
Let me know your final decision before we return to the main room or move on.
You said:
ChatGPT said:
The Coffer Marked – Left for Another Day
Aldric nods slowly, the decision weighing heavy but sure.
“We leave it. Not today.”
The others offer no argument. Wyllow scratches a symbol onto the wall beside the coffer—a small, sharp mark easy for them to recognize if they return.
Dain gives the box one last look. “If we’re lucky, it’ll still be here when we want to open it.”
Roderic murmurs, “If we’re unlucky, it opens itself.”
The party backs out of the collapsed chamber, re-entering the larger room with the sealed arch, the plinth, and the trap-warded floor.
The air remains still. The glowing runes have dimmed, and the silence has returned.
Current Time: Late Morning
You’ve explored two new areas and uncovered more questions than answers—but you still have time today, and your path is your own.
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Inspect the Plinth in the Main Chamber – Something was bound here.
Attempt to Investigate the Sealed Arch Again – Maybe there's more to learn without triggering the trap.
Mark the Area and Leave the Dungeon – Return when Orin completes his translation.
Search the Entire Chamber Thoroughly – Look for hidden doors, passages, or inscriptions.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
Aldric will inspect there plinth while Wyllow and Dain search the chamber
ChatGPT said:
The Plinth and the Search – A Closer Look
Aldric moves to the center of the chamber, where the stone plinth rises about waist-high, square-cut and scarred by time. The surface is worn, but the marks of metal shackles are still visible—rings embedded into the stone, now broken or rusted through.
Meanwhile, Wyllow and Dain begin a methodical search of the wider chamber—checking cracks in the walls, brushing dust from carvings, and tapping at uneven stonework.
Aldric – Inspection of the Plinth
He runs his fingers over the top of the plinth, noting:
Scorch marks along the edges—subtle, but there, as if something burned or radiated heat while it was chained here.
A shallow indentation at the center, about the size of a human palm, worn smooth.
The base is etched with worn symbols, barely legible—not the same as the runes on the arch or sword, but more ritualistic or ceremonial in design.
This was not a simple prisoner’s binding—it was a ritual site. Something was held here, likely restrained with both physical and magical means.
Wyllow & Dain – Chamber Search Results
Wyllow finds a faint groove in the wall opposite the arch, shaped like a sealed doorway, possibly once hidden or magically bound—but long since collapsed. No way in.
Dain uncovers what appears to be a loose flagstone near the plinth’s base. He calls Aldric over.
With a bit of effort, he pries it up—beneath is a small cavity, empty save for a blackened chain-link, scorched and broken. It smells faintly of sulfur.
Dain grunts. “Whatever was chained here… it burned its way out.”
Summary of Discoveries:
The plinth was a binding point, likely magical.
Burn marks and a shattered chain suggest something escaped—or was released.
The runes and layout suggest this room was built not as a prison… but as a ritual site.
No new hidden passages—just the sealed arch and the coffer in the side chamber.
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Investigate the Arch Again (from a safe distance).
Exit the Dungeon – Return to Orin and await the scroll’s translation.
Mark the Area, Make Camp Nearby (Above Ground), and Observe for the Night.
Leave a Symbol or Offering at the Plinth – Respect the site, or provoke it.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Settling In – Night Watch at the Ruins
Aldric glances around the chamber one last time, the faint glow of the runes still clinging to the sealed archway.
“We mark it. Then we camp nearby. I want to know if anything moves in or out once we’re gone.”
Wyllow raises an eyebrow. “Planning to stare into the dark all night, are we?”
“Not all night,” Aldric replies. “We take turns.”
Back to the Surface
The company ascends from the depths, sealing the trapdoor behind them with care, then dragging the stone slab back over it. They take the time to re-scatter dust and debris, making the site appear undisturbed.
They choose a small ridge overlooking the ruins, half-ringed by low stone and brush—an ideal observation point. Fortune the mule is tethered nearby, and a small fire is lit and shielded from view.
The Camp Plan
Two men on watch at a time, rotating through the night.
Wyllow and Dain take first watch, while Aldric and Roderic rest.
At midnight, Aldric and Roderic will switch in.
They’ll observe the trapdoor, surrounding brush, and distant tree line for movement, tracks, or lights.
As dusk settles and the stars rise, the wind picks up, whispering across the stones.
Nothing stirs… yet. The night is long, and not all things sleep.
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