Session Five Begins – The Watchful Night
The stars wheel overhead as the party keeps their silent vigil on the ridge above the sealed ruins. The fire burns low, its glow masked behind a circle of stacked stones. The air is chill, but the sky is clear—a moonless black scattered with stars.
First Watch – Wyllow and Dain
Wyllow leans against a weathered stump, eyes scanning the ruin below. He tosses a pebble between his fingers, listening for anything besides the wind.
Dain crouches beside the stone wall, the runed sword across his lap, glowing faintly under starlight—but not reacting.
Nothing stirs. No lights. No shadows. Only the distant hoot of an owl.
Second Watch – Aldric and Roderic
In the deep hours of the night, Aldric takes his place, cloak wrapped tight, torch unlit. Roderic watches quietly, spear across his knees.
Time passes in quiet conversation—low murmurs about the plinth, the runes, and the meaning of the scroll Orin is still translating.
And then… something happens.
Not a sound. Not movement.
Just a feeling.
A Subtle Change
Aldric’s eyes are drawn—unbidden—toward the watchtower.
The stone slab over the trapdoor hasn’t moved. There’s no light, no sound. But something about the air has changed.
The wind shifts, bringing with it the scent of cold stone… and iron.
Roderic shivers.
“You feel that?”
The mule snorts and shifts uneasily, ears flicking toward the ruins.
Then, slowly… the glow from the runes beneath the trapdoor—though hidden—faintly pulses once, as if reacting to something unseen.
Just one flicker.
Then stillness.
What Does Aldric Do?
Wake the Others – Prepare for Trouble.
Investigate the Trapdoor Immediately.
Wait and Watch Longer – It may be nothing… or it may not.
Mark the Timing and Observe – Compare it to the next night.
How does Aldric respond?
You said:
Aldric motions to Roderic, “You see that? A faint glow beneath the trapdoor, just a moment and then it was gone.”
ChatGPT said:
Roderic nods slowly, still staring at the ruins below.
“Aye. I thought it was my eyes adjusting… but no. Something down there flickered. Just once.”
The two men sit in silence, eyes locked on the shadowed ruin. The torch remains unlit, the only light from above is the silver gleam of starlight, casting long shadows over broken stone.
The mule lets out a low, uneasy bray, stamping one hoof.
“Do we wake the others?” Roderic asks, his voice low. “Or wait and see if it happens again?”
The faint glow has vanished completely.
No sounds.
No movement.
But the air still carries that metallic tang, and a strange pressure, as if the earth itself is holding a breath.
What Does Aldric Do?
Wake Wyllow and Dain – The company should be ready.
Cautiously Approach the Trapdoor with Roderic.
Remain on Watch – Give it more time.
Mark the Time – Make note of when the glow occurred.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
“Let’s wait a moment, see if anything happens before we wake the others,” he slides his father’s sword from the sheath. “But be ready.”
ChatGPT said:
Blade Drawn – Waiting in Silence
Aldric’s fingers close around the worn hilt of his father’s sword, the blade whispering free of its sheath with a sound as familiar as breath. He holds it low, ready, the firelight catching on the old nicks and blessings carved into its steel.
“Let’s wait a moment,” he says quietly. “See if anything happens… but be ready.”
Roderic gives a short nod, his grip tightening on his spear as they both settle into a tense stillness. The cold wind curls around them, rustling the brush and stirring distant leaves—but down by the ruins, the world remains unnaturally still.
Time Passes – Minutes in Tension
For several long minutes, they watch.
The trapdoor remains unmoved.
The runes do not flicker again.
The air is cold, still heavy, but stable.
Then—a faint noise, barely audible over the wind.
Not from below.
From the treeline.
A faint, snapping twig, as if a footstep misjudged.
Roderic turns his head slightly, whispering, “That was no bird.”
The brush is thick, visibility poor. Whatever made the noise is keeping low.
Aldric’s Next Move:
Wake Wyllow and Dain – You may be about to be attacked.
Signal Roderic to flank – Try to trap the intruder.
Creep toward the sound with sword in hand – Stealthy approach.
Call out to whoever’s there – Challenge them.
Hold your position and wait – Let them make the next move.
What does Aldric command?
You said:
Aldric quietly nudges Wyllow and Dain, his left hand giving the signal to remain quiet, and then pointing to the treeline source of the sound. “Be ready,” he whispers and slides to the right of the camp, dancing from shadow to shadow to remain hidden.
ChatGPT said:
Into the Shadows – The Hunter Becomes the Watcher
Aldric’s hand moves like a shadow itself, gently nudging Wyllow and Dain awake. Both men stir quickly, trained warriors not prone to groggy confusion.
He raises a finger to his lips—silent.
Then points to the treeline, where the faint snap of a twig broke the stillness.
Wyllow is fully alert in a heartbeat, already crouching low with the Shadowfang dagger drawn. Dain's hand wraps around the runed sword, his eyes narrowed beneath his furrowed brow.
“Be ready,” Aldric whispers. Then he’s moving—silent and swift, dancing between brush and stone, slipping from shadow to shadow along the right edge of the camp.
Stealth Check for Aldric
Roll 2d6 + FIN (+0) – Let’s see how well Aldric moves unseen.
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Aldric’s Stealth – 9 (Silent but Close)
Aldric moves with practiced care, stepping where the leaves are least thick, keeping to the dark folds between moonlight and shadow. He doesn’t make a sound—but for a moment, he nearly brushes a dry branch.
He stops, breath held… then slides past it.
He reaches a low rise near the edge of the treeline, dropping to a crouch. The brush ahead is thick, visibility low… but then—movement.
What Aldric Sees
A figure, cloaked, moving low through the brush, maybe forty feet from camp.
They’re not alone—a second shape behind them, moving carefully, watching the ruins, weapons drawn but not raised.
One of them carries something wrapped in dark cloth—perhaps a satchel or scroll case.
They haven’t seen the party yet—but they’re watching the camp and the ruins.
They’re scouting.
Possibly bandits. Possibly worse.
And they're close.
What Does Aldric Do?
Ambush the Nearest Scout – Quick and quiet.
Slip Back and Report to the Others.
Signal Wyllow for a Flank or Distraction.
Call Out – Draw their attention and test their intent.
Wait and Watch Longer – Learn more before acting.
What’s Aldric’s move?
You said:
Aldric signals Wyllow, they have worked together and they understand each others silent signals. “Enemies…two” and the direction, then the signal to flank to the left, opposite from Aldric. This leaves Dain and Roderic in the middle, at camp. “Wait for my signal to attack,” he sends the last signal and watches the figures in the shadows.
ChatGPT said:
The Dance Begins – Setting the Trap
Aldric’s fingers flash through a silent series of signals, clean and practiced:
Two enemies.
Direction—northeast edge of camp.
Flank left.
Wait for my signal.
In the shadows of the camp, Wyllow catches every motion. His response is a slight tilt of his dagger and a nod. Then, he melts into the dark, slipping left through the underbrush like a ripple on water.
Dain and Roderic remain still, crouched low, backs to the fire, weapons in hand—tense but disciplined.
The campfire’s embers barely glow now, casting only faint orange halos on stone and cloth.
The Enemy Scouts – Unaware
Aldric watches as the two figures creep closer, still unaware they’ve been seen. They whisper, just barely audible:
“No lights. They’re watching something. Think it’s buried?”
“That slab—they moved it. Same one from before. Might still be down there…”
One figure shifts—a short sword visible at his side. The other cradles the cloth-wrapped bundle, gaze scanning the ridge.
They’re waiting for something. Maybe reinforcements, maybe a signal from deeper in the woods.
The Flank Sets
Wyllow is now in position.
Dain and Roderic are waiting.
Aldric watches them from the right.
They are surrounded—and they don’t know it yet.
What Does Aldric Do?
Give the Signal – Launch the attack!
Wait a Few More Seconds – See what else they reveal.
Close the Distance First – Try to take one down silently.
Throw a Rock to Distract – Separate the scouts.
Change the Plan – Let Wyllow engage first.
What’s Aldric’s call?
You said:
Does Aldric think he can move close enough to silently take one out before the other is aware?
ChatGPT said:
Aldric’s Assessment – Can He Take One Silently?
From his vantage, Aldric watches their movements with a soldier’s eye—measured, deliberate, assessing their spacing and awareness.
The two scouts are about 8–10 feet apart, just enough that a swift, quiet kill might go unnoticed… for a moment.
The closer figure, the one with the short sword, is turned slightly away, watching the camp.
The second figure is more focused on the ruins—not on his partner.
The wind is on Aldric’s side, and the terrain is slightly uneven—bushes and a half-fallen log offer natural cover.
Aldric judges: Yes—he has a solid chance to reach the first scout and take him down silently if his footing holds and the strike is clean. But if the kill isn’t fast or if something breaks the silence—the second will react fast.
Aldric’s Options in This Moment:
Move In – Attempt the Silent Takedown.
Hold – Wait for a better opportunity or for Wyllow to engage.
Give the Signal – Launch the coordinated strike now.
Change Targets – Let Wyllow take the near one while Aldric moves to the second.
What does Aldric choose?
You said:
1 Aldric will signal Wyllow that he going to attack, be ready to strike fast. Once Wyllow acknowledges, Aldric will strike.
ChatGPT said:
The Signal – Shadows in Motion
Aldric lifts two fingers, draws a slow arc through the air toward the first scout, then clenches a fist—“I strike. Be ready.”
From the brush to the left, Wyllow gives a bare nod, crouched low, dagger gleaming faintly in the starlight.
The trap is set.
The kill is coming.
Aldric’s Silent Approach – Stealth Attack
Roll 2d6 + FIN (+0) for Aldric’s silent movement to reach the target unseen.
Then roll 2d6 + MUSCLE (+2) for the attack itself.
Give me both rolls when you're ready!
You said:
Silent- rolled an 8 Attack - rolled a 7
ChatGPT said:
Aldric Strikes – Shadow and Steel
Aldric slips from his cover, moving like a phantom across the uneven ground. The scout ahead never hears the approach, too focused on the campfire glow and what secrets might lie beneath the stone slab.
As Aldric closes the last few feet—a faint crunch of gravel underfoot.
The scout’s head starts to turn—too late.
Aldric’s father’s sword plunges forward, striking true but not perfectly. The blade drives deep between shoulder and spine, the scout gasping in shock—a sharp, guttural noise not quite a scream, but loud enough to break the silence.
He drops, twitching… not dead yet.
The second scout spins toward the sound, eyes wide. “What—?!”
But Wyllow is already in motion.
Wyllow’s Reaction – Surprise Attack
Wyllow charges from the left, Shadowfang dagger gleaming.
Roll 2d6 + FIN (+2) for his attack with surprise!
(Let me know the result!)
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Wyllow’s Attack – 8 (A Clean Hit!)
Wyllow bursts from the underbrush, moving like a coiled spring let loose. The second scout barely has time to register Aldric’s strike before Wyllow’s dagger flashes in the dark.
The blade drives low and quick, catching the scout beneath the ribs. The figure grunts and stumbles back, hand reaching instinctively for a weapon.
He’s still standing—but wounded, and surprised.
Roll for Wyllow’s Damage
Roll 1d6 for the Shadowfang dagger.
(Reminder: It’s weightless and razor sharp—if you’d like, you can opt to roll with advantage due to the surprise attack. Roll 2d6 and take the higher result.)
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Wyllow’s Strike – 4 Damage (Solid Hit!)
The dagger sinks deep, and Wyllow twists it sharply before pulling away. The scout staggers back, clutching the wound, blood soaking his cloak. His weapon hand fumbles at his belt, panic flashing in his eyes.
“Ambush—!” he tries to shout, but the word comes out more a gurgling cough than a cry for help.
Combat Situation Summary
Scout 1: On the ground, badly wounded from Aldric’s strike. Not dead, but not fighting.
Scout 2: Still standing, bleeding badly, attempting to recover.
Wyllow is engaged in melee.
Dain and Roderic are still at camp, awaiting the signal.
Aldric is in striking range of the downed scout or can shift to the second.
Aldric’s Next Move:
Finish the First Scout.
Move to Engage the Second Scout with Wyllow.
Signal Dain and Roderic to join the fight.
Attempt to Intimidate the Wounded Scout Into Surrender.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
Aldric will attempt to club the first scout with the pommel of his sword, knocking him out.
ChatGPT said:
Aldric – A Swift Knockout Attempt
Seeing the first scout down but not dead, Aldric steps quickly to his side, flips his sword in his grip, and brings the pommel crashing down toward the back of the man’s head.
"Sleep," he mutters grimly.
Nonlethal Strike – Roll 2d6 + MUSCLE (+2)
Target: DC 8 to knock the scout out cleanly without killing him.
Let me know the result!
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Aldric’s Strike – 9 (Success!)
Aldric’s pommel slams into the side of the scout’s skull with a dull crack, and the man’s eyes roll back as he collapses into unconsciousness, blood trailing from his temple.
The first scout is down, alive, but out cold.
No alarm raised. No call for help.
Wyllow, still locked with the second scout, glances to Aldric, dagger ready for another strike.
The Second Scout – Reaction
Bleeding and cornered, the second scout hesitates—his hand on the hilt of his weapon, but uncertain. He sees one comrade felled and another bleeding out at the feet of a dagger-wielding hobbit.
His eyes flicker between fear and defiance.
He hasn’t surrendered—but he’s off-balance.
Aldric’s Next Move:
Command Him to Surrender – Use Presence to intimidate or persuade.
Step In to Help Wyllow – Attack the second scout.
Signal Dain and Roderic – Close in and surround him.
Let Wyllow Finish the Fight.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
“Dain! Keep lookout,” he shouts back to camp. “There may be more.” Back to Wyllow,”Let’s finish this one!”
ChatGPT said:
Aldric Takes Command – The Final Strike
Aldric calls out sharply, eyes never leaving the bleeding scout:
“Dain! Keep lookout—there may be more!”
From the ridge above, Dain’s voice answers without hesitation:
“On it!”
You hear the distinct slide of steel as he readies the runed blade.
Aldric turns back to Wyllow, who already has his dagger raised.
“Let’s finish this one.”
The wounded scout sees the decision in Aldric’s face—there will be no escape.
Aldric’s Attack
Roll 2d6 + MUSCLE (+2) for the strike.
Then roll damage (1d6) if it hits. Let me know both results!
You said:
Attack 11 Damage 5
ChatGPT said:
Aldric’s Strike – 11 (Crushing Hit!) | 5 Damage – Lethal Blow
Aldric steps in hard, sword leading with a powerful upward stroke, catching the scout beneath the ribs as he tries to draw his blade.
The blow cleaves deep, and the man’s eyes go wide—more in surprise than pain—before his body crumples to the ground, motionless.
A heavy silence settles.
The fight is over.
Scout 1: Unconscious, bound and alive for questioning.
Scout 2: Dead, weapon never drawn.
The camp remains quiet—no signs of other enemies nearby, at least not yet.
From the ridge, Dain calls back:
“Nothing moving. But we’ll want to be gone by morning. If these two were scouts, the rest won’t be far behind.”
Wyllow crouches by the dead man, wiping his blade.
“Let’s see who sent them.”
Loot & Clues (On the Scouts):
Short swords, well-made but unmarked.
Leather armor, travel-worn but not ragged.
A cloth-wrapped bundle carried by the second scout:
Inside is a sketched map of the watchtower ruin and the surrounding hills.
On the back is a symbol—a crude flame over a broken chain.
A small token, carved of bone, worn smooth from handling.
The symbol carved into it is similar to the one on the runed sword.
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Interrogate the Unconscious Scout (wake him and begin questioning).
Search the Perimeter for More Tracks or Hidden Observers.
Retreat Immediately – Move the camp, or return to the Keep before dawn.
Mark the Encounter, Bury the Dead, and Prepare for Morning.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
3. “Let’s find a new site we can watch the watchtower but clear of this area,” we will take the loot with us. The company ties up their prisoner’s hands and feet, then toss him over the donkey’s back. “We will question this one…if he lives…at the new site. Wyllow, please scout ahead and find a good location, hidden but with a good view of the tower.”
ChatGPT said:
Shifting the Camp – A New Vantage
Aldric and the company work quickly, binding the unconscious scout’s hands and feet, checking the knots twice. He’s hoisted onto Fortune the mule’s back, slumped like a sack of grain but breathing steadily—for now.
The cloth bundle, map, and carved bone token are packed away carefully.
“Let’s find a new site,” Aldric says. “One where we can watch the tower, but not walk into another ambush.”
Wyllow gives a nod, slipping off into the night without a word.
Wyllow’s Scouting – Roll
Roll 2d6 + FINESSE (+2) to determine how well Wyllow finds a new camp site. Let me know the result!
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Wyllow’s Scouting – 11 (Excellent Success!)
Wyllow returns within the hour, breath steady, face serious.
“Found the spot. Northwest ridge—natural rock shelf, shielded on three sides by brush and stone. Small fire won’t be visible, and you can see the tower clearly through a gap in the trees.”
Dain grins. “Sounds like a ranger’s roost.”
“Exactly,” Wyllow replies.
The New Camp
The company relocates quietly and without incident. The moon has risen, casting the old tower in silver and shadow. From this new vantage:
The trapdoor is visible, though small at this distance.
The ridge gives good concealment, with an easy line of retreat.
The mule is tied beneath the shelf, sheltered and quiet.
The prisoner is tied and gagged, arms behind his back, slumped in the grass beside a rock.
Roderic stretches and leans against a stump.
“Well, commander, shall we wake our guest?”
Next Move
Wake and Interrogate the Prisoner.
Wait Until Dawn – Interrogate when there’s light.
Have Wyllow or Roderic Guard While Aldric Rests.
Let Dain Handle the Interrogation.
What does Aldric do?
You said:
1 “Let’s find out who and what we are dealing with,” Aldric kneels and slaps the man hard.
ChatGPT said:
The Interrogation – Truth in the Dark
The scout jolts awake with a grunt as Aldric’s slap cracks across his cheek, leaving a fresh welt. His eyes blink rapidly, unfocused at first—then narrow when he sees Aldric’s face, lit by low firelight.
His hands are bound behind him, his ankles tied, gag removed, but Dain stands nearby with the runed sword drawn, and Wyllow crouches in the shadows, flicking his dagger idly.
Roderic crosses his arms, silent but watching closely.
The man spits blood into the dirt and sneers. “You’re making a mistake.”
Aldric replies coldly, “Let’s find out who and what we’re dealing with.”
Interrogation Mechanics
Roll 2d6 + PRESENCE (+1) for Aldric’s interrogation.
(Modifiers may apply based on tone: intimidation, persuasion, or manipulation.)
Let me know the result!
You said:
8 Aldric looms over the man, “and what mistake is that?”
ChatGPT said:
Interrogation Roll: 8 – Partial Success
The scout’s eyes flick between Aldric’s blade, Dain’s quiet readiness, and Wyllow’s unnerving smile.
He grits his teeth but his bravado is cracking under the pressure.
“The mistake,” he mutters, “is thinking this place belongs to you. Or that you’re the first to dig into it.”
He leans his head back against the rock behind him, breathing through his nose.
“You found something down there. We saw it—whatever it was, it glowed. That slab wasn’t glowing before.”
Roderic glances at Aldric. “They were watching us.”
The scout continues.
“We weren’t here to fight you. Not yet. We were sent to confirm. To mark. If the seal was weakening—our masters wanted to know.”
Aldric presses. “Who sent you?”
The man hesitates… then smiles, blood on his teeth.
“They call themselves the Broken Flame. And if we don’t report back, they’ll come looking.”
He leans forward slightly.
“Which means… they’re already coming.”
What You’ve Learned:
The scouts belong to a group called the Broken Flame.
Their mission was to observe the watchtower, not engage—yet.
They were watching for signs of change in the ruins (like the runes glowing).
If they don’t return, the Broken Flame will come searching.
What Does Aldric Do Next?
Press Him for More Info – Numbers, leadership, plans.
Silence Him – Permanently. Too dangerous to let live.
Keep Him Alive – Could be useful later.
Have Wyllow Search Him for Hidden Items or Marks.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
1 “What seal? Seals keep things locked away, what is locked away?”
ChatGPT said:
Aldric Presses – What Lies Beneath?
Aldric steps in close, his shadow falling over the prisoner, voice low and sharp.
“What seal? Seals keep things locked away. What’s locked away?”
The scout’s smile fades. He stares up at Aldric for a moment, as if weighing whether to speak—or if it even matters now.
Finally, he exhales through his nose.
“Something old. Bound long ago. Buried in places like this… under stone and iron and prayer.”
He looks toward the tower ruins in the distance.
“Our masters say it was once part of this world… and will be again. The chains are breaking. The seals failing. What’s buried isn’t dead. It dreams. It waits.”
Wyllow mutters, “Well, that’s encouraging.”
The scout shifts slightly, testing his bonds.
“The sword you carry?” His eyes flick to Dain. “It was made to fight what’s coming. Your mistake was drawing it. That glow? That was the first crack.”
New Intel:
The Broken Flame believes something ancient is imprisoned below the watchtower—and other sites like it.
They refer to it as “not dead… but dreaming.”
The runed sword is a weapon created to fight or contain this entity.
The glowing rune event was a sign—a “crack” in the containment.
The Scout’s Tone Shifts
“You should run,” he says now, quieter. “Take your gold and go. Because when they come, it won’t be two scouts.”
He leans back. “And if it wakes… no sword will stop it.”
Aldric’s Next Move:
Knock Him Out – Enough talk.
Continue the Interrogation – Ask about leadership, locations, or plans.
Decide His Fate – Keep him alive, or finish him here.
Confer With the Party – What do your companions think?
What does Aldric do?
You said:
“It is strange, if this thing is as dangerous as you claim, that your masters allow it to sit, unguarded and so easily disturbed,” Aldric steps back. “We are not enemies, or looking to disturb some ancient power. We are merely cautious explorers who do not like unknown visitors to our night camp. Tell me more about your masters, there yet may be a path for you to live this evening.”
ChatGPT said:
Aldric’s Gambit – Offering a Path
Aldric’s words are calm, steady—not a threat, but an invitation. His presence looms, not with violence, but with conviction.
“It is strange, if this thing is as dangerous as you claim, that your masters allow it to sit unguarded and so easily disturbed.”
He steps back, letting the moment breathe.
“We’re not enemies. We didn’t come to awaken anything. We came to understand. But we don’t like strangers creeping toward our fire with blades in the dark.”
He gives the man a hard look.
“Tell me about your masters. There may still be a path for you to live this evening.”
Roll 2d6 + PRESENCE (+1) – Persuasion with subtle intimidation
(We’ll see how much the scout is willing to give up now.)
Let me know the result!
You said:
ChatGPT said:
Persuasion Roll: 8 – Partial Success
The scout studies Aldric carefully. The tension in his shoulders eases—not entirely, but enough. He believes Aldric isn’t bluffing… but he’s still afraid of something else.
Finally, he speaks.
“They don’t guard it because they don’t need to. Not yet.”
“What lies beneath is bound. Watched from afar. The seals keep it weak—and watching it too closely might draw its gaze.”
He shifts uncomfortably.
“Our order—the Broken Flame—we serve what comes next. We prepare the world for its return. We unbind the old places, gather relics, destroy weapons like the one your friend carries.”
He nods toward Dain.
“You’re holding a relic of the enemy.”
Roderic scoffs. “Funny, you sound like a cultist who wants to burn the world.”
The scout doesn’t deny it.
“We don’t want to burn it. We want to remake it.”
What You Learn:
The Broken Flame doesn’t guard these places—they monitor them and act only when activity arises.
Their goal is to break the seals and bring about the return of something ancient.
The runed sword is considered a weapon of the enemy by them.
They actively seek out and destroy such weapons and relics.
The scout looks up at Aldric one last time.
“I’ve told you what I know. I’m not one of their chosen—I’m just a knife in the dark. But now you’ve made noise. You’ve touched the seal. They will come.”
Next Steps for Aldric:
Keep the Scout Alive – For future questioning or as a bargaining tool.
End His Life – He’s too dangerous to keep.
Knock Him Out & Hide Him – Let fate decide his next step.
Question the Party – See what they think should be done.
What does Aldric decide?
You said:
Aldric turns to his companions, as if to speak to them, confer with them, and then with shocking speed spins back upon the scout to slice his throat
ChatGPT said:
The Decision – Swift and Final
Aldric turns away, gaze passing over his companions—Roderic watching silently, Dain tightening his grip on the sword, and Wyllow raising an eyebrow, sensing something behind Aldric’s eyes.
And then—steel flashes.
In one fluid motion, Aldric spins back toward the prisoner, sword in hand, and with a sharp, practiced stroke, opens the scout’s throat. The breath dies in his lungs as blood spills quietly into the dirt, his final words lost to the silence.
The body slumps. Still.
Wyllow exhales softly. “Well. I suppose that’s one kind of diplomacy.”
Dain says nothing, merely nods once.
Roderic looks away, eyes on the watchtower. “Better than letting him run his mouth again.”
The fire crackles softly. The wind moves through the brush.
There is no judgment—only necessity.
The night grows still again.
The Interrogation Is Over
The scout is dead.
The party holds his gear, the map, the symbol of the Broken Flame, and the token.
No enemies are near… yet. But now they know someone is watching, and that their actions have drawn attention.
What Does Aldric Do Now?
Sleep in shifts – Finish the night in the new camp.
Pack up and return to the Keep before dawn.
Bury the body or burn it – Leave no trace.
Send someone ahead to the Keep while others watch.
What’s Aldric’s next move?
You said:
Aldric turns back to his companions. With a grim tone, he speaks to them, “We appear to have stumbles onto another man’s battle, I am no Crusader. We can walk away from this and give that sword to the church. What say you?”
ChatGPT said:
The Question of Purpose – The Path Ahead
The silence after Aldric’s words is long and heavy, broken only by the soft creak of the dying fire and the whisper of wind over stone.
“We appear to have stumbled onto another man’s battle,” Aldric says, his voice low, grim. “I am no crusader. We can walk away from this—and give that sword to the Church. Let them deal with what lies below.”
He turns to his companions.
“What say you?”
The Company Responds
Roderic is the first to speak, eyes still fixed on the dark shape of the watchtower in the distance.
“I joined for coin and maybe a few stories. Not to fight cults or chase after ancient gods… but we’ve already pulled the thread, Aldric. We’re in this, whether we like it or not.”
Dain looks down at the runed sword in his hands.
“I’ve carried steel my whole life. This one feels different… heavier, not in weight, but in purpose.”
He grips the hilt tighter.
“If I give this to the Church, they’ll lock it in a vault. Then what? Wait for the Broken Flame to dig it up again? We fight, we fight clean—and we fight now while the enemy still thinks we’re shadows in the dark.”
Wyllow flips his dagger once, then slides it back into his belt.
“I don’t like crusades either. But I do like survival. And I don’t think walking away from this will mean safety. Not anymore.”
He grins faintly. “Besides, this smells like the kind of trouble that comes with buried treasure and mad secrets. Be a shame not to at least peek.”
They all look to Aldric now.
No one has drawn back.
But the choice remains his to make.
What Does Aldric Decide?
Stay the Course – Learn more, fight if needed, take responsibility for what they’ve uncovered.
Give the Sword to the Church – Walk away from the deeper dangers.
Continue for Now – But find someone else to take this burden soon.
How does Aldric answer?
You said:
“May the fates grace us with too much treasure to carry,” he smiles and clasps his small friend’s shoulder. “Let’s return to the keep and tell brother Orin of what we’ve learned.”
ChatGPT said:
The Path Is Chosen – Return to the Keep
Aldric lets out a breath, the weight of the night not lifting, but shifting—from dread to resolve.
“May the fates grace us with too much treasure to carry.”
He places a hand on Wyllow’s shoulder, the gesture both practical and sincere. The hobbit grins back, adjusting his gear.
“I’ll settle for enough to retire with a view.”
Roderic shoulders his spear.
Dain sheathes the runed sword.
Together, they pack the camp, secure the gear, and prepare for the return journey.
The first light of dawn breaks over the hills as they turn back toward the stone walls of the Keep, leaving behind a ruin watched by no one… and everyone.
Session Five Ends
The cult of the Broken Flame has been revealed.
The watchtower seal is weakening—and the party may have started something greater.
The runed sword, the scroll translation, and Brother Orin’s wisdom are the next steps.
Let me know when you’re ready to begin Session Six—a new day, new questions, and dangers yet to come.
You said:
Let’s award everyone a point of XP
ChatGPT said:
Memory updated
XP Awarded!
Aldric Voss +1 XP
Wyllow Tunnelly +1 XP
Dain +1 XP
Roderic +1 XP
The entire company grows stronger, wiser, and more prepared for what lies ahead. Let me know when you're ready to begin Session Six!
You said:
Aldric and Wyllow will go to second level. Both will roll for additional HP according to the rules
ChatGPT said:
Excellent! Let’s level up Aldric Voss and Wyllow Tunnelly to Level 2.
Leveling Up – Core Rules Summary
When a character reaches a new level:
Gain +1 HP, plus a roll for additional HP based on their VIGOR.
You may also choose to increase one stat by +1, if your rules allow for it at this stage. (Let me know if you’re including that.)
Aldric Voss – Level 2 HP Roll
Base gain: +1 HP
Roll 1d6 for HP gain, add VIGOR (+1) to the result.
Wyllow Tunnelly – Level 2 HP Roll
Base gain: +1 HP
Roll 1d6, add VIGOR (0) to the result.
Let me know your HP rolls for each and I’ll update their sheets!
You said:
Aldric 6 Wyllow 4 Aldric will also increase his Presence by 1, due to his repeated and successful command presence demonstrated during the game. Wyllow will increase his Finesse by 1, based on practiced skill in sneaking about during the game. Update their character sheets and save to memory
ChatGPT said:
Level Up Complete!
Aldric Voss – Level 2
HP: 15
Presence: +2 (up from +1)
Wyllow Tunnelly – Level 2
HP: 11
Finesse: +3 (up from +2)
Both are stronger, sharper, and ready for whatever the Keep—and the Broken Flame—throw at them next. Let me know when you’re ready to begin Session Six!
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