As mentioned in my previous post, I began this with uploading a PDF of my game system (Core System, which if you are interested is a stripped down version something akin to a mix between Kal-Arath/Niv Lova and Cairn) and a PDF created by ChatGPT of Keep on the Borderlands but stripped of all its D&D markers. Hopefully this one works out better...
And here we go again, starting completely over. Strangely ChatGPT created a new character with the exact same name!
The Keep on the Borderlands stands as a beacon of civilization at the edge of the untamed wilderness. Beyond its walls, danger lurks in dark forests, rocky hills, and the infamous Caves of Chaos—a stronghold of inhuman tribes and sinister forces.
You said:
Please create a character for me. He is a veteran soldier, who left his lord’s service after a disagreement and has now left on his own accord and looking to find fame and fortune. He carries his father’s sword, a sacred heirloom.
Aldric Voss
A veteran soldier seeking fame and fortune after leaving his lord’s service, carrying his father’s sword, a sacred heirloom.
MUSCLE (MUS) +2 (Strong and skilled in melee combat)
VIGOR (VIG) +1 (Tough and resilient, built for survival)
FINESSE (FIN) 0 (Average agility and speed)
MIND (MIN) 0 (Trained in battlefield tactics, but not scholarly)
PRESENCE (PRE) +1 (Carries himself with authority and confidence)
HP: 6 + 1 (VIG) = 7 HP
Starting Coins: (Rolling d6 × 5) → 15 Coins
Bandages: (Rolling d6) → 3 Bandages
Food: (Rolling d6) → 4 Days’ Worth of Food
Weapon: A Hand-and-a-Half Sword (d6 damage)
This is his father’s sword, an heirloom with sacred inscriptions.
Armor: Worn Chainmail (+2 Armor)
Other Gear:
Flint & Steel (for making fire)
Whetstone (to maintain his sword)
Traveler’s Cloak (Provides warmth and minor protection)
Small Leather Satchel (For coins and essentials)
Background & Personality:
Aldric Voss was once a loyal soldier and trusted retainer of a minor noble, but a disagreement with his lord led him to leave his post. Now, without land or title, he wanders in search of new purpose, wealth, and renown.
He carries his father’s sword, an heirloom passed down through generations, rumored to have been blessed by a long-forgotten order of knights. While it holds no apparent magical power, Aldric believes it is his guide and protector, and he will never part with it.
Aldric is disciplined, experienced, and pragmatic, but he still harbors a soldier’s sense of duty. He has little patience for cowards, but he knows when to retreat and fight another day.
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