Thursday, October 17, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 08


Corven might be my favorite NPC I have created during all my soloing, I mean look at that dude! Classic, scruffy old war veteran with some PTSD issues he hasn't resolved. Heck, he's me.  ;-)

Anyway, here is session 8. I have decided to pause here and call this "Chapter 1". Too many times while doing a solo campaign I abruptly stop and never return leaving readers (and myself) hanging. I have a bit of ADD and my mind switches too quickly. I end up leaving an adventure before a solid stopping point. My goal here is to pause at a logical stopping point, and return some day to continue the adventure. 

I really enjoyed this adventure and got in a groove where I wanted to return, I figured out a play style that worked and was easy to hope in for 15 mins at work when things got slow, then jump right back in, so I feel this was completely successful and enjoyable. I want to jump back in and continue but I can feel my mind getting dragged in another direction and rather than continue, and just stop in a few more sessions, I want to pause, pivot and settle my mind so this is at least a satisfying end point.

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)

PDF version of the session:

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Reed Adkins Massacre at Ambler's Gap

Yeah, I might have a problem with these covers....

Reed is called in by an old friend to investigate the ambush of a caravan, a caravan headed by an old flame and carrier over twenty-thousand dollars in silver!

Monday, October 14, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 07

The Barnacled Dog 

Leaving the dungeon and the bizarre creature they encountered, the trio decide to return to Barton to rest, recuperate, sell the treasure, and ponder their next steps.

I am currently up to 26 pages of journaled game sessions, if you are following along, I would love to know what you think.

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)

PDF version of the session:

Friday, October 11, 2024

Kord of Bhaal The Bandits of Joraqua


Kord is captured by the fiendish bandits of Joraqua who plan to exchange him for a powerful ancient sorcerous relic, with this relic they will be able to slaughter the people of the valley. Can Kord break free of his bonds and save his newly adopted homeland?

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 06

Session six left me a little worried my pair may not survive, and what lies ahead worries me quite a bit! I feel like I have gotten into a groove with this session, the characters' personalities are fleshed out a little and I like the sort of 'journaling' / playing a game aspect that I have going right now. Hits both the writing and the gaming itch for me nicely. Also got me back to doing a map for this adventure too.

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)
SoloDark (link)

PDF version of the session:

Friday, October 4, 2024

[ShadowDark Solo] Rufus & Silas, session 05


Session five!

I have changed up the way I plan on presenting these to you, primarily because I realized posting a write up on the blog was simply eating up too much of my time and frankly I was just not enjoying the time spent on this. I would rather be playing with the limited time I have. Also, I have decided to focus on MY enjoyment as my reason for playing the game rather than the enjoyment of others. Perhaps this is selfish from a certain point of view but at the core I am playing for me and posting here as a 'service' to those 'solocurious' and interested in how I apply the use of RPGs not designed specifically for solo play.

As such, I will not be doing a write up for each session and merely providing the PDF of the session. Here I am collecting sessions 1-5 in a single PDF before I move on to session 6. 

Product I used this session:
ShadowDark RPG (link)
SoloDark (link)

PDF version of the session: