Monday, August 23, 2021

The Temple of Sorrowed Ladies

Well, news flash, I am laid off. Yippie ki yay! I have a shit ton of other things going on in my life at the moment and I am in a very, very dark pace. Not that this matters to you, but the good news is I am leaning on my old therapy of map drawing. Today I tried to kill myself in the early morning heat and worked out like David Goggins, taking a break in between sets to draw a fucking map.

Here you go. Enjoy.

Greyed out version:

The now infamous Fuck Your Printer version:

Going Old School version:


  1. Sorry to hear that, hoss. Map looks great, though!

  2. So sorry to hear that, if I can help you know where to find me on MeWe. Glad something good is coming out of it and we got a new map.

  3. Matt, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this. Robyn and I really, really hope this is just a speed bump on the so-called road of life. Your maps are brilliant, as always...hang in there, friend.

  4. Closed doors lead to new opportunities.
    Great map. Added to the Blog Database.
