Sunday, June 30, 2024

Antiquus Fabula - a Risus supplement


My pal Norbert is celebrating this amazing game by having a Risus Appreciation celebration and posting various cool rules, ideas, and discussions about the game. Check it out at

A long time ago - 20 years??? - I discovered a game called Risus and it completely rewrote everything I thought about RPGs at the time and subsequently turned me on to the lighter side of RPGs and my love of rules-lite systems. Now, I wanted Risus to run D&D at the time, so I threw together some ideas and released a Risus supplement to enable a more D&Dish feeling to your games. To keep this Risus love going, I thought I would remind everyone of my Risus Fantasy Supplement. Antiquus Fabula!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

MidJourney image dump


I love this fun, sort of child-like artwork for fantasy images, maybe nostalgic? Not sure but I love it!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Writing again...?

I had a good idea for an adventure using the map I previously posted, so I threw it into Affinity Publisher and started writing it up. So far I am liking where it is going and I thought I would share a few images of the wip (very early images, so lots of typos and such that need fixed.

I will likely be putting this up on my page on for free. To see all my games/adventures/tools, click right here!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June Map II

nummed & an unnummed version

 Nothing fancy, just an old, run down cathedral whose contents need to be freed from their gaol.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

June Map

 A simple map. Sort of in a funk today and I thought perhaps returning to old habits might flip that switch.