Friday, March 14, 2025

Liberty or Death! session 1


What follows is a second AI-ran game I started on a whim. I LOVE the Rev War era in America and feel it is severely underutilized in fiction, games, media in general. So I wondered, could we take these same rules and create a fun and engaging setting to play a game? Below is the actual chat between myself and ChatGPT that I played here and there while at work yesterday, when I had a moment on break, waiting for a meeting to start, over lunch, etc. 

Two interesting notes: The AI appeared to make a mistake when generating the character, utilizing too many points when creating the character's stats. I noticed too late, and then did not care to go back. Maybe he is an actual veteran with skills and should not be a starting character? Second, at one point I realized there had been very little dice rolling and I brought this up to the AI, that it needed to use the dice to resolve things in the game....and it suddenly remembered how to roll dice again and applied that restriction often.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

In the Shadow of the Cross, session 1

I began messing around with ChatGPT after chatting extensively with my pal Rob Conley about what it could do. I started messing around with it and it dawned on me that it could be something amazing. SO asked it to extract a ruleset I liked from a PDF to use as a base for devising a streamlined and easy to use RPG for this purpose. Then I asked it to create a setting based on Anglo-Saxon England around 850, with a strong lean into the pagan, Dane, and Christian religions. I want to be realistic but play on the idea of superstitions and supernatural but in the vein of religions in accordance with the beliefs and practices of the era.

What follows it the text from that point on. All conversations with the AI are here for visibility and so others might understand how to use it to great effect for solo play. For whatever reason ChatGPT was struggling rolling dice for me, so I used a die roller, I actually think this was better, gave me time to think, felt 'natural' for game play and amped up the anticipation for an outcome. A few times I stopped playing because I was nervous/anxious about what would happen after I rolled the dice. I am having a fantastic time playing the game. 

This is the sort of game I have always wanted to play but could never find the right people to play with.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Niv Lova (solo ap, session 1)


This is a continuing playtest of the Niv Lova (link)RPG playtest. Previous sessions: Session 0.

Andrei awakens to the rhythmic creaking of steel and the steady clack-clack of train wheels grinding against warped, rusted tracks. The train is a battered freight hauler converted into a human cattle car—is packed with the lost and the discarded. The air is thick with sweat, desperation, and the quiet murmurs of the soon-to-be-forgotten.

Through a broken window, Andrei catches glimpses of the landscape: abandoned farms, frozen lakes, skeletal remains of towns long since claimed by the creeping influence of Niv Lova. It stretches endlessly toward a hazy horizon, a land swallowed by an Incident no one speaks of anymore.

The train is approaching Limbus, the last stop before the Boundary, the thirty foot concrete wall surrounding the incident area on all sides. From here, there is no turning back. Andrei was sent here because he was expendable and had nothing let to give the 'civilized society' as the judge had put it. Too poor and tired to fight it anymore, and with no other place left for him, he accepted his fate.

Andrei "Ghost" Petrov, once a proud soldier, now just another scavenger-in-waiting.

The train screeches to a halt, the doors unlatch, and a dozen lost souls—including Andrei—are shoved out onto the frozen dirt. Armed guards watch lazily from the checkpoint, not caring whether any of the souls live or die. On the other side of the gate, the only opening in the Boundary, lies the settlement of Limbus. A maze of half-collapsed buildings, makeshift shelters, and a market of thieves, killers, and opportunists.

Checking the weather: d6 = 1: Clear: Crisp and cold, but the sun is out. Navigate or Scavenge with advantage.

Andrei looks upward to get his bearings, the opening and Limbus lies to the north on account of the hazy sun shrouded by thin clouds. The air is cold and crisp but he reckons he has a few hours of sunlight left. The lay guards stare at him with a blank gaze as he is pushed through the gate. Behind him the metal gate is locked. Now he is trapped within Niv Lova. 

He looks around and decided this might be a little tougher than he thought, not that he won't survive but a little preparation may might not hurt. Andrei decides to spend an hour exploring and Scavenge for Supplies in Limbus before venturing forth. He checks a few of the closest building, avoiding anything that looks - or smells - like it may be inhabited. At first he is unlucky but then he finds a shelter, not more than a shack that appears to have been occupied recently. 

d6 on the Scavenge Table (with advantage so roll twice) = 3 & 6: 5 units of food and a random piece of gear (a 10' length of rope)

Andrei finds a recently occupied shelter, the thought crosses his mind that the owner may not be dead, merely away, but he brushes that from his mind. From the tales he has heard, Niv Lova can be harsh, you had to take what fate gives you and not take chances. He quickly stashes the food and rope in his backpack and gets out of the shelter as quickly as possible, no reason to let the owner be informed of who robbed him. 

Back out on the main street, Andrei takes stock of buildings nearby and looks for a good place to hole up for the night, better to start out in the morning under a full day of sun. Perhaps he can find a local and get some intel on the region surrounding the village and what treasures or dangers might lay beyond.

Determine if Andrei discovers a POI (Point of Interest), getting a 5: he does.  A Self-storage facility!

Moving farther into the village of ramshackle buildings, he spots the remnants of a Self-storage facility on the edge of Limbus. A long, rusted-out row of metal storage units, some still locked, others pried open and stripped bare. The place is mostly abandoned, but scavengers occasionally pass through, looking for anything others might have missed.

Andrei wanders around the fringe of the facility, finding an unopened door, perhaps this area is unexplored. He scans the surroundings quickly, he seems to be clear of observation from the town's inhabitants. Straining, he attempts to muscle through the door.

 2d6 + 1 (Andrei’s MUS bonus), an 8: he crashes through the door with a firm shoulder

Tightening his shoulder, he charges and after a few shoves, busts the rusted out lock. The metal door grates and complains as rusty hinges throw off years of unuse. Inside the small room are cardboard boxes, an old busted tv, and some sort of floor lamp. All are rusted, dusty, and moldy but Andrei decides to continue and digs into the mound of debris. He came this far, perhaps something of value can be found. 

Rolls a 2: 1 unit of Scrap and 1 Bandage

Happy with his discovery but still wanting more, Andrei decides to wander through the rest of the facility's open containers and see if anything comes up. Andrei moves carefully through the open storage units, checking behind old furniture, broken boxes, and discarded debris. Most of it is worthless—moldy clothes, rusted tools, broken electronics—but in the back of one unit, he strikes a bit of luck.

Rolls a 5: 5 units of Scrap

At the edge of his hearing, Andrei thinks he heard something, so he hunkers down amid the debris and listens.

Roll 2d6 + 0 (Andrei’s MIND is +0) for his Perception check, getting a 2: a failure 

Andrei pauses, holding his breath, straining his ears for any sound in the dim storage facility. But the only noises he hears are the distant winds outside and the occasional creak of rusted metal as the wind shifts through the abandoned units.

No footsteps. No voices. No movement.

He kneels, frozen in place for what seems like an eternity, ultimately deciding his mind was just playing tricks with him after not hearing any noise or motion in the immediate area. Perhaps it was just the wind playing with him. Andrei takes a deep breath and looks in the direction of Limbus.

Strangely, he feels the need for human contact, the need to speak to another person. This is new to him and something he has not felt in a long time. Perhaps being among the debris of a lost people, people who no longer exist, made him want to remember that he is still part of a people. Faint memories, ghosts, of his past life, float through his mind. His eyes water...just slightly.

He chuckles and shakes his head, runs his eyes. This place is getting to him already.

He'd better head back to town.

Roll d6 to see if the trip back to the main part of Limbus is uneventful, getting a 3: uneventful

Andrei keeps his head down and moves quickly through the ruined streets, his senses on high alert. The storage facility fades into the distance behind him as he makes his way back toward the heart of Limbus without incident.


Monday, March 10, 2025

Entering Niv Lova (solo ap, session 0)

I have been discovering a good deal of solo TTRPG players on substack and a few months ago I discovered the Kal-Arath rpg and its author Castle Grief, both are excellent but sword & sorcery just are not my usual thing. I like to read it and such but never got playing it. 

Last week I discovered the author Write Firster and his RPG called Niv Lova. Designed for solo play, and oddly close to something I was working on in the background, I began reading this and loved the set up and execution. Niv Lova tells the story of a unique and unexplained 'incident' that happened in the frozen north. The Government tried to bury it, building a wall around it, then another as it expanded, then another.... Now it has become a wasteland where the lost and forgotten go, hoping to turn their lives around. Strange and unexplainable things happen here, untold riches and fame await...if you don't get killed.

I decided to give it a go. I fed the playtest document into ChatGPT and asked it to create a character based on the rules, below is the result:

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Journeyman Character Card


My pal Talon showed me this cool, FKR-style minialist RPG that is on kickstarter right now, and after reading through it I decided I need to do a...character card for it! It's what I do....

Link to page:

Pretty neat little game, very rules thin, and the author Zac did a fantastic job of whittling the words do to just what was needed, no fluff.

You can checkout the game on itch:

Check out the kickstarter here:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Post-apoc story prompt?

Something about this just makes me want to know more about this dude and the world he lives in.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My statement on design 'copying'

I am a firm believer in that we, as humans that have been on this planet for 200k years, are inherently creative but almost nothing we make is 'original'. Everything we make is in some degree a 'stolen idea' or at a minimum an idea with it's origins in another person's creation. In other words, Everything we make stands on the shoulders of those before us. 

That said, I recently made a PWYW character sheet available that looked similar to another's persons character sheet. I used his as design as inspiration, I even made that clear when I released my PDF version and suggested that if you like it, you should go support the original designer through the link in my blog post and on the itch page. He did not supply the option for a PDF, so I made one. I hand drew my version, so absolutely nothing was a copy. However, the other person threatened me with lawyering up and frankly, I do not give enough of a shit to deal with it so I simply removed it. I made a total of $13 on the pdf that I spent about three hours making. So, yeah, not worth the headache. Whatever, it is what it is.

I remember when the RPG community used to foster creativity. We built on each other's ideas, freely sharing and creating at a whim, but I guess those days are long gone. Now it is all about money.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Operation Whitebox Character Cards!


Finished updating the WB character cards for my upcoming Operation Whitebox solo game.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 5


I was hoping these would be a bit of a zen thing for me but I am finding them more and more rushed to get done due to life getting in the way. Hoping to continue these at a good pace.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 4

Now we enter the Forgotten Crypts, and a dastardly deadly deep pit full of undead! 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 3

A weird water level this week. In play, I feel the waterholder would be a blast.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Goofy gobs

These goofballs might be showing up soon, we will have to wait and see what the fates have in store for our little band of adventurers...

side note: it is exceedingly annoying how Midjourney is unable to understand that hobbits/halflings have hairy feet and are without boots...

Monday, January 13, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 2

We delve deeper into the mega dungeon. This time, entering the realm of the shroom lords!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 1

Here above is week one of Dungeon 25! The goal is simple: attempt to draw and flesh out a room each day day inn the year 2025. Join me on this adventure!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Dungeon 25


Alright, going to give this a go and see how far I can get, I previously have completed a full month of map-a-day, so the goal is to do better than 30 days straight. Will update as time allows.