Thursday, February 27, 2025

Journeyman Character Card


My pal Talon showed me this cool, FKR-style minialist RPG that is on kickstarter right now, and after reading through it I decided I need to do a...character card for it! It's what I do....

Link to page:

Pretty neat little game, very rules thin, and the author Zac did a fantastic job of whittling the words do to just what was needed, no fluff.

You can checkout the game on itch:

Check out the kickstarter here:

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Post-apoc story prompt?

Something about this just makes me want to know more about this dude and the world he lives in.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My statement on design 'copying'

I am a firm believer in that we, as humans that have been on this planet for 200k years, are inherently creative but almost nothing we make is 'original'. Everything we make is in some degree a 'stolen idea' or at a minimum an idea with it's origins in another person's creation. In other words, Everything we make stands on the shoulders of those before us. 

That said, I recently made a PWYW character sheet available that looked similar to another's persons character sheet. I used his as design as inspiration, I even made that clear when I released my PDF version and suggested that if you like it, you should go support the original designer through the link in my blog post and on the itch page. He did not supply the option for a PDF, so I made one. I hand drew my version, so absolutely nothing was a copy. However, the other person threatened me with lawyering up and frankly, I do not give enough of a shit to deal with it so I simply removed it. I made a total of $13 on the pdf that I spent about three hours making. So, yeah, not worth the headache. Whatever, it is what it is.

I remember when the RPG community used to foster creativity. We built on each other's ideas, freely sharing and creating at a whim, but I guess those days are long gone. Now it is all about money.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Operation Whitebox Character Cards!


Finished updating the WB character cards for my upcoming Operation Whitebox solo game.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Dungeon 25: week 5


I was hoping these would be a bit of a zen thing for me but I am finding them more and more rushed to get done due to life getting in the way. Hoping to continue these at a good pace.